Archive for January, 2009

3 Year Doctor’s Appointment

Wednesday, January 21st, 2009

This morning we were out early for the kid’s checkup. They were the best kids ever (no shots, thank goodness). They actually had fun at the doctors. They colored on the paper while waiting for Dr. K. They thought it was hilarous to try and hind from the doctor. They are healthy and happy kids. Here are their weights and height:

Nicole- 33lbs, 38 1/8″, Justin-31lbs, 38 7/8″

After I ran to Wal Mart since it was right there to get a few things. Then we headed to the Mission Viejo Mall. We played in the play area a bit then ate lunch. The kids were starving and loved their free samples of lemonade. We walked the mall a bit and were excited to go play on the lights. But the lights were gone; the kids were so sad. So we went to the toy store and the kids played with the train table. We came home and the kiddos watched Curious George then it was time to go to open gym at My Gym. They had a great time. This was the 3 and under play and one kid jumped on Nicole in the ball pit and another pulled her hair, poot thing. On the way home we stopped at the organic fruit stand. We got lots of fruits and veggies. We also walked by the farm so the kids could see everything that was growing. They were so excited to see strawberries and brocoli. They also played in the dirt with rocks. But a good time was had by all. After dinner we made another drive thru out of megablocks and a parking lot. I love this pretending stuff. We read lots of books and thank goodness the kiddos are sound asleep.

Historic Inauguration

Tuesday, January 20th, 2009

Barack Obama sworn in as the 44th President. The pre school had on the speech but too hard to even look at with the kids. This morning we got ready for the cleaners and headed off to pre school. The kids were so happy I was working. Justin brought his “Murdoch” train to share. I put it in quotes as the train’s name is actually Molly. When I told him the name he said he was just pretending it was Murdoch. Nicole brought her Abby Cadaby costume. I love watching them share-it is so cute. The kids got nice and messy today and had fun. We came home to a clean house, I love that! The kiddos played trains for a bit at home. Justin helped me put the GeoTrax back together too. I gave the kiddos a bath, it had been 3 days so it was time. The kids wanted to be naked for a bit and played. Nicole pretended the towel was her car seat. Finally we went to the mall. I needed to do a few returns. I was a little hesitant as it was getting late in the day but it went really well. The kiddos pretended to ride on the quarter machines, played in the lights, went in the Disney store, rode a car, etc. The kids were great at the mall. We came home and made dinner. After dinner we just played with the kiddos. Dad played store with Nicole for a bit. Justin and I used Lincoln Logs and made a drive thru. Nicole started to play too. It was funny Nicole’s car was taking a long time at the drive thru so I got all these other cars and put them in line waiting too, the kids said it was a traffic jam. Bret came over with the police car, so silly. We went upstairs and the kiddos played with the minivan and tractor on out bed. Nicole gave daddy a haircut and Justin gave me one. We read some books and the kiddos are sound asleep.


Monday, January 19th, 2009

Bret is off from work today. The kids have been a little more independent today, but still a bit needy. We just played at home in the morning. Both kids wanted to wear their goat shirts. We played trains, dollhouse, crystal climbers, laptops….We met Paula and gang by the train path so the kiddos could ride bikes. They love watching the trains too. After we went to our My Gym class. The kids had a great time. Nicole had a little trouble listening as she was distracted by a little boy name Luke. She was doing everything he was. When the instructor asked the kids what their favorite movie was Nicole said “we don’t watch movies”. Justin’s turn and Nicole said he doesn’t watch movies either. We met dad at In N Out Burger for lunch. We were hungry. After we went to the Toy store to try and look for dollhouse stuff for Nicole. We had no luck but the kiddos played all throughout the store. We got home and the kiddos watched Curious George and Sesame Street. The kids seem to really like Curious George these days. Justin was bored of Sesame Street, so him and daddy headed to the park. I waited for Nicole to finish watching and went to meet Dad and Justin. Nicole saw Abby Cadaby that she wanted to put on her costume, so cute! The kids rode their bikes a bit. Nicole fell so we just sat on the grass and hung out. I told her lots of stories and talked about how I used to fall off my bike. We then headed to the play part. Nicole was into making cupcakes and cakes out of sand, we were mixing, adding ingredients. Justin and daddy were having fun climbing rocks. After we went out for Chinese food and went out for frozen yogurt. The kids were so excited for their treat. They even drink the last drops out of their bowls. We came home and went upstairs. Justin seemed very hyper but both kids went right to sleep. I am so confused since today is Monday and Bret is off.

Kids Get Soaked In Fountains In January

Sunday, January 18th, 2009

The kids have been pretty needy and want a 100% of our attention. Nicole wanted to roller skate around the house while Justin just wanted to wash daddy’s car (use the hose). We are thinking about what to do in our house next, we can’t seem to get the living room to look the way we want it too. So we went to Barnes and Noble at the Spectrum to look at some pictures. Of course it didn’t help too much. Then we played at the Spectrum and did a couple errands there. After lunch it was so warm that the kiddos were able to play by the fountains by the food court. They both loved it. It was amazing to see how much they loved it compared to last year. They got soaked. Luckily we bought 2 pairs of jammies at Carters so we had some change of clothes. When we got home we decided to fill up the jacuzzi again. Justin helped dad with the jacuzzi and Nicole helped me put the laundry in the washer. Justin helped too with the laundry, put everything in the dryer. While the kiddos watched TV, I went for a bike ride. We went and washed daddy’s car. The kids loved it. After Justin drove his car and Nicole played with a ball for a bit. Nicole got her car too. But then dad got his Trikke and I got my bike, so Nicole got her bike too. We went up and down our street, Justin in his car and the rest of us on our bikes. After dinner, the kiddos wanted our undivided attention. It has been this way all day. So we played trains and store. We went upstairs and did our normal bedtime routine and the kids are sleeping now.

Saturday, January 17th, 2009

We love Saturdays. We went to the model train thing in Costa Mesa. Justin just loved watching the trains. It is a great long ride, the kids loved it. Then we needed to get something from Grammy’s house so we headed over there and brought our lunch. The kiddos played, rode trikes, and tried roller skating for the first time. Unfortunately I left my camera over at Grammy’s so can’t post pics. Justin was crying over silly things and fell asleep in the car and Nicole did too. Dad ran into Circuit City to use a gift card before they go out of business while I stayed in the car with two sleeping kids. I finsihed making a big cupcake cake for Vena’s birthdayand the kids got some cake. We talked to Lisa, Todd, Grammy, Meghan, and Henry via the computer. So funny when they saw each other on the computer screen everyone got pretty quiet. Then we gave the kiddos a bath and looked at old pics while they were bathing. Of course the kiddos needed our undivided attention so it wasn’t working out too well. After bath we wanted to head over to Victoria and Todd’s, however, the kids wanted to do a lot at home. So dad and Justin quickly played with the hose while I helped Nikki roller skate. Our kiddos were so needy and just wanting to play with us the entire time at Victoria’s. Nicole loved playing with Penny’s dollhouse and loved the people. There were 2 babies + cribs, plus a mommy and daddy. Of course I played the role of mommy, finally I got away for a bit by saying mommy was out playing Bunco. It was cute but I wanted to chat with some friends. Justin was playing with Penny’s tools and asking daddy what he could screw. We came home and the kids just wanted to play at home. We went upstairs and put them to bed at 8:30. I keep hearing Nicole every now and then but I think she will be asleep soon.

Friday, January 16th, 2009

This morning we ran to Target to get a few things. I ended up buying the kiddos a guitar and car roller skates. Just what they needed was more toys. The kids were so great at Target. After we went to Lisa’s (Chase & Alyssa) for play group. The kiddos had fun, they wanted to play outside. Justin found a rocket launcher thing that he loved and Nicole was really into being pulled in the wagon. After we ended up going to Vena’s for playtime and lunch. Justin immediately headed up to their room upstairs that has the trains. He was happy as can be. Nicole played all downstairs and liked driving Cole & Grants golf car and mini cooper. The kids all ate lunch together, so cute. Justin loved Vena’s fried rice. We came home and the kiddos put their kickboards in the back of the cars and pretended they were going to the beach. Then they brought them inside and they were swimming in the ocean, they said. We built a track and the kids played so nicely. I let the kiddos helpe me prepare dinner, so scary over the hot stove but they listened well. We played Candyland and Hi Ho Cheerio. The kids are loving games, then I let them watch some TV. After TV the kiddos drove their cars and then Mikey, Katie, and Sarah came over. We babysat tonight so Paula and hubby could go out. We played outside with all the kids until it got dark. Nicole and Justin were happy to have their friends here. We all had dinner together then we put out the play doh. The girls stuck together and the boys did too. Justin and Mikey played trains and all the girls played baby. We went in the backyard with flashlights and played. The kids got into the water so we were worried about how cold it was, so we came back in and played. My kiddos were tired and went right to bed. All in all it went great with 5 kids and I am glad we can do this for them and they can do it for us.

Thursday, January 15th, 2009

Pre school this morning. I dropped the kiddos off then went to the gym, watched a little TV, then did some gardening.  My poor garden has been very neglected. I love picking up the kids, I get the biggest hugs ever. They love their pre school friends and gave them hugs goodbye. We played out front for a bit then came home. I got compliments that N&J took turns and shared. The kiddos had a big snack at pre school so they weren’t very hungry for lunch. I read a ton of books. So great that they love books. Then they watched some TV, Curious George and Elmo’s world. Then I gave the kiddos a bath; they stayed in the bath for a long time. We played upstairs for a bit too. Silly me when I asked Nicole what she wanted to wear, I got her goat shirt. I swear without even looking in her closet she know if it is clean or dirty. Justin wanted to wear his Thomas jammies, luckily I talked him into his chicks dig me T-shirt. We went to Albertson’s to get lots of stuff as they were having an awesome sale. The kids rode in the car carts and had a great time. They kept telling me to go faster. When we got home the kids wanted to wash my car which actually means I want to use the hose. Dad came home and the kids drove their cars a bit. We had dinner and I had to go to a meeting at pre school. They kids were excited to be with daddy.

Wednesday, January 14th, 2009

I am tired today, didn’t sleep all that well last night. The kiddos played at home for a while this morning. I think they needed some fun home playing. I grabbed the kids bathing suits and when the kids saw them they wanted to put them on right away. Vena offered to host our Wed. play group. Vena warmed up the jacuzzi and the kids had a blast swimming. Justin said he was too cold and didn’t swim. He played with Cole and Grant’s planes. Nicole was a fish. She was loving the water. We put the arm floaties on her but she freaked out a bit when she couldn’t touch the ground. After that she just stayed where she could touch the ground. She was in the water for about 2 hours. Then the kiddos ate lunch and played inside some more. They found all the toys upstairs. On the way home we stopped at a friend’s house to give them Justin’s old trike then ran to return Justin’s shoes he didn’t end up wearing to Alan’s event. The we came home and played, Nicole kept making me food and Justin was busy with his car toy. I took the kiddos to open gym @ My Gym. They love it there. I just love to watch them play. When we got home, we played in the cul de sac. The kiddos drove their cars. They drove them in the cul de sac, off the curb, and on the greenbelt. I like it best on the greenbelt as I don’t have to worry about cars. Dad came home and he stayed outside with the kids while I cooked dinner. After dinner dad and the kids played Candyland and I met a friend and went for a walk. Then daddy went on his trike while I read books to the kiddos. They were out the minute their heads hit the pillow.

Tuesday, January 13th, 2009

This morning the kiddos went to pre school. I got time to myself which was nice. I went to the gym and the cleaners. I came home and watched TV for a bit then gardened. It was so hot out though. Picking uo the kids is so fun as they are so happy to see me and give the biggest hugs ever. The pre school teacher said that at snack time, Nicole moved her seat over to her brother. There were already too many kids at the table. When the teacher asked why she moved Nicole said because I love my brother. So sweet. After pre school we just played outside the pre school. The kids have gotten accustomed to just playing outside beforr we go home. I had two really hungry kids when we got home. One of my neighbors daughter is home from college, so she came to see the kids. N&J got to play with Cindy the dog. Nicole was really wanting my attention though. We played frisbee in the backyard then went up to take a bath. After bath, we went to meet Paula at the path where the trains are. The kids had fun and loved riding their bikes, and seeing trains. Nicole was pretty whiny today for some reason and kept asking for snacks. Maybe she was truly hungry because after dinner they were both in great moods. We played Candyland. Upstairs the kiddos wanted to find daddy and loved when we scared them. They played in the empty room, I moved the trampoline up there. So the kids all hyper I left to go to Bunco. It was a fun night. Nice to be with the girls. When I got home, we got the best news ever, my nephew Henry will be leaving the hospital tomorrow. However, if he spikes a fever he is back in so I am keeping my fingers crossed.

We Did A Lot

Monday, January 12th, 2009

We were out early this morning, so I could go work out. The kids loved the play area, I can barely get them out of there. They were playing with blocks when I picked them up. After we met some friends at Blue Gum Park. It was hot and dry out, but the kids had fun. So cute to watch Nicole appreciating her friends, she was holding Alaina’s hand. The kids played mostly in the sand. Then we headed to our My Gym class. This is the first class that I haven’t had to participate in-I got to sit back and watch. The kids didn’t mind I wasn’t in there. They walked across the balance beam, did flips with help on the rings, and played red light/green light. They love this place. After I dragged them to Costco. They didn’t seem to mind at all, they love Costco. They love the samples and running in the cold area. We had fun shopping together. The kids watched Thomas and Curious George. After the kids played with little hot wheel cars and I decided to find all the toys that have been lost under the couch. It was so nice out that we played in the cul de sac. The kiddos drove their cars and rode their bikes a bit. When they got inside they grabbed their rolly bags and pretended they were going to Canada and San Jose. Apparently Canada is our backyard. After dinner, since the weather was so nice we went for as flashlight walk. The kiddos were wanting daddy’s flashlight. After the kiddos played with the flashlights in the house, so we were in the dark. We read lots of books tonight and the kiddos went right to sleep.