Archive for April, 2010

Monday, April 19th, 2010

It was dad’s work from home day. I dropped the kiddos off at preschool. I ran to the grocery store then headed home. It was nice to be in the house alone with Bret. We just cuddled a bit and enjoyed the peace and quiet. I finished editing some pics.

When I went to pick the kids  up from pre school, everyone said how Nicole and Keyon were buddies. She was playing with Keyon almost the entire time. I decided to take the kiddos to Disney. We hadn’t been in so long. We had a great time but I am tired. The kids were too and went right to bed. We went on all the normal rides, the rocket ships, the autopia, etc. We saw the show by the firehouse with Chip and Dale, Cruella, and Goofy. The kids loved it and were so excited to see the characters.  We headed over to CA Adventure. The kids decided they wanted to see the Clubhouse show so we did that. They love to dance and sing during the show. Then we had dinner in the stroller and waited for the parade. So cute the kids yelling out as they see the characters. Nicole was so excited to see Boo from Monsters, Inc. Justin loved Lightening McQueen and Tow Mater. We had a great time at Disney today. When we got home the kids and dad played Memory then off to bed.

Sunday, April 18th, 2010

Nicole woke up saying her belly hurt in the middle of the night, too much ice cream before bed.  She woke up this morning and felt better. Justin visited us early this morning but went back to bed. The kids actually slept in a bit. The kids played Wii a bit while we read the paper. Dad went to run a Sunday morning errand. He has been liking going out by himself, but he wasn’t gone that long. Dad dealt with jacuzzi chemicals and I did some gardening. The kids got all into the digging part of the gardening. We decided to pack up and go to the beach. We had a great time at the beach. We made a ton of sand castles, buried children, and went in the ocean. Justin couldn’t wait to go to the ocean. Nicole and I stayed on the sand for a bit. Finally we got Nicole in the water. Of course when she finally got down there we knew she would love it and she did. The waves were big and strong today. So cute watching the kids in the water. They were running into the waves then running away from them, screaming and laughing. We were at the beach for a while. When we got home I gave Nicole a shower while dad and Justin played Wii, then Justin’s turn for a shower. The kids were pretty tired and so were dad and I from the sun and the beach. Dad and Nikki went to go get some dinner. I got some alone time with Justin. Him and I played race car and trains. Totally reminded me of when we first got the train table and how the kids would always take the track apart. After dinner we all went in the jacuzzi for a bit. It was pretty relaxing for a bit but then Nikki got wild. She was pretending to be Shamu and splashing. They had a great time in the warm jacuzzi. We went right upstairs and the kids drew pictures. They are starting to draw people, so cute. Justin added a beard to one of his guys and Nikki made a mask and a snorkel on one of her people. We pretended dentist. The kids lie down and I pretend I am the dentist while I brush and floss their teeth. Nikki loves it for some reason. I even pretend to be a bib on them and count their teeth. Then we read lots of books and off to bed. I was almost falling asleep in Justin’s bed and he just said it is ok mommy you can sleep here. What a sweet kid.

Saturday, April 17th, 2010

Soccer morning! We walked over to soccer. Nicole played first and had fun. The girl’s coaches aren’t really good at explaining what the kids are doing, so I can tell Nicole gets frustrated. She was playing a game where she was the winner but it took her a minute to understand. Justin told Nikki she was doing a great job…such love. Nikki really kept up with all the running and had such great determination. Justin did great too. He made a few goals. The boy’s team is so much more organized. We took our time walking home. We stopped overlooking the freeway so the kids could try and get trucks to beep at them. They love it. Justin wanted to check out the “new” park. I guess he had never seen this park but it wasn’t new. It was the kids elementary school. So we stopped there for a bit to let the kids play. We had to leave as one of the kiddos had to go potty. It seems as though it will take 10-15 minutes to walk the kiddos to kindergarten, not too bad at all. The kids played in the backyard for a bit, we heard laughing and both kids were a little wet. We also went out front and the kids drove their cars for a bit. They both ran up to their rooms and brought down stuffed animals to drive around. Justin brought down Mr. Lizard and Pumpkin, 2 very large animals. So large that only one fit in his car. Then we had to get ready to meet my photography group for a photo shoot. I am hoping we got a good family picture. As soon as I am done blogging I will look at some of the ones that Bret took with my camera. We took pics at Hicks Canyon path. The kids had fun playing at the park while we waited for everyone to show up. On the path just added more fun for the kids. They were all running together, pretending to fish, picking up leaves, sticks, etc. All of a sudden it was 5:45 and we  had to figure out dinner. But the kids saw the park and wanted to play more and we let them. When the group all got back to the park, we all decided to go get some dinner. We sat outside and the kids were able to play. The kids were running around and having such a great time, not one fight. In between playing they ate dinner. Nicole really had lots of fun with a girl named Lily that I hope we see her again. The kids wanted ice cream so we stopped at Dairy Queen then headed home. It was straight upstairs, jammies, brush teeth, etc.

Friday, April 16th, 2010

Bret and I were so tired last night we ended up in bed early. This morning I was working at pre school. We didn’t have much time this morning except to get dressed and eat breakfast. The kids wanted me to be blue mom, so in the sand I went. We made a ton of sand castles and all the kids mashed them at the same time, so cute. I love watching N&J paying attention and listening so well in school. Today Justin shared Dinoco AKA the King (car from the Cars movie) and Nikki took a teddy bear named gum drop. After pre school we ran to the library to return a book the kids borrowed from a friend. They lent us a library book. The book was called Sweet Tooth and the kids just loved this book, we read it a lot. We came home and the kids helped me make lunch. We were pretty lazy today and just hung around. We read a ton of books which made me sleepy. While Nikki was in the bath, Justin and I played crazy eights. He is so determined to win and block me which he did. The kids got in the tub together for a bit but fighting started. So Nikki got out and Nikki and I played crazy eights. She has the same determination to win like Justin. We packed up a picnic dinner and headed to train path. Dad met us there after work on his bike. We just had a nice picnic. We brought a ball so we played catch for a while, kicking, and we made a basket for the ball to go in. We saw lots of trains! We didn’t stay too long as it started to get cold. I thought we wold have a Wii free day but dad caved when we got home. The kids love it and I did enjoy the break a bit. We went upstairs and got ready for bed. Nikki wanted to pretend she was at the dentist. So she laid down while I brushed and flossed her teeth. Justin was asking to read Three Blind Mice, so dad read that book to him. We read Llama Llama Red Pajama and Nicole wanted to hear it over and over again. I tried to visit her for a long time so she didn’t call me up over and over. I think it worked.

Thursday, April 15th, 2010

Well Bunco was fun last night but for some reason I just wanted to  be with my hubby. He was bored without me. I just love being married to Bret. Him and I were meant to be together. This morning the kids stayed in their jammies for a while, we just hung out at home. The kids played Wii a bit then played trains. Trains isn’t lasting too long lately. I let the kids play Leapsters for a bit as I couldn’t remember the last time they played them. I had to do a bunch of stuff for membership at pre school. The kids played all over the house…got their journals out. Then we played play doh. The kids loved making the hair grow and cutting it on the play doh guy. They also made ice cream out of play doh. At lunch and still in their jammies  they were singing and dancing around, so funny. They were running back and forth in the kitchen just hopping around. This was a day of getting things done for me, love it. I have been putting off doing returns, calling people, scheduling things, etc. I took the kiddos to there get ready for kinder class. On the way there they said they wish they were in each other’s class. But when I dropped them off they were happy to go into their own classrooms. Justin walked Nikki next door to her class. During class Nikki visited her brother and she wanted to hug him. Justin said he already hugged her. Justin told the teacher “he wanted to be a race car driver but he will wear a helmet”. Funny how when he is with Nicole he wants to be a police officer-Nikki switched to a race car driver. I picked them up and Justin won some play doh. The teacher used the sound for the letter M and he knew it was the letter M. Nikki came out and said she made drawings for her whole family, so sweet. She scribbled a race track. We had to stop at pre school for a bit. They were having a board meeting and the kids played really well. I love that the kids hug people goodbye-it is so sweet. When we got home we went in the jacuzzi. The kids had a blast! They were in for a really long time. When dad came home he jumped in the jacuzzi with us. It was a nice night. I tried to play doll house with both kids. Nikki definitely does not like the way Justin plays. So I played with Nikki a bit while dad played cars with Justin. The kids were pretty tired and went to bed easily. I went for a walk with a friend, now to relax.

Spring Break Over

Wednesday, April 14th, 2010

We went back to pre school today. I was wondering if the kids would have a hard time going since they were off, but it didn’t phase them at all. They were excited to see the bunny, Marshmallow and all their friends. While they were at school I ran to the grocery store. I picked the kiddos up and they told me all about their morning, riding bikes, snack, books, playing, etc. We played outside for a bit and came home and had lunch. Then we went to Target as I needed a few things. The kids just wanted toys, kept on asking over and over again. Nicole was sweet to Justin and moved from in the cart to the top part, so Justin could fit in the cart too. I love when they are nice to each other. I bought some bedding stuff again for the kids. We will see what they pick, I have a lot of returning to do. We stopped at Chick Fil A as they were giving away free parfaits. The kids loved it. They saw lots of police officers there and said hi to all of them. We were in a bit of a hurry as we were meeting friends at the park. I let the kiddos finish their parfait in the car, so funny they think eating in the car is the best. We came home and walked over to pirate park. The kids played really well and had a lot of fun. When we got home the kids helped me make meatballs. They were calling it dough. They loved helping in the kitchen. Dad got home and the kiddos played Wii for a bit. We had dinner and the kids ate a lot, meatballs were a hit. We decided to go for a walk on bunny path. The kids brought food for the bunnies but I think we went out too early as no bunnies were out. So nice to be out having fun with the kids. They were trying to get passed us just laughing. When we got home we had to clean up dinner, ugh and we headed upstairs. I am off to Bunco tonight.

Get Ready for Kindergarten

Tuesday, April 13th, 2010

I was sad Bret had to go back to work this morning, it was nice having him home yesterday. This morning the kids played Wii a little bit and we also got ready for the cleaners. Luckily it wasn’t too stressful getting all cleaned up. We walked over to Blue Gum park and met some friends. The kids played so well together. Although Justin did drop a bucket full of water and sand on his big toe. Ouch, he is ok but I know it really hurt. Nicole was busy making cakes with blueberries with one of her friends. Justin dug holes, the kids really played in the sand most of the time. We got home and the cleaners were still cleaning so we decided to go out and get some lunch. The sandwich place I was going to closed, so we just ran into the grocery store. The kids were not too happy at first about the grocery store but then they picked out a lunchable and loved it. It even came with a butterfinger-I only mention this as this is the first time the kids had one. Needless to say they loved it. We ate in the car on our way for get ready for kindergarten class. The kids loved eating in the car-I don’t want to see how many crumbs are in there now, but oh well. It was so sad separating the kids. This is the first time the kids have been separated without each other and without mom or dad. Both kids did great though. The classrooms are right next to one another. Nicole walked Justin to his class-silly. I was able to only talk to Nicole’s teacher-she said Nicole wanted to visit her brother so the assistant took her over. It was sweet! Justin said he loved being in his own class. Sometimes I worry about him and he is the one that is always fine. I am so proud of my kiddos. It really amazes me how fast they are growing up. I am still remaining impartial and will let the teachers decide if they are ready for Kindergarten or not. We came home and the kids got a project from the readiness class. In celebration of Earth Day they are to collect recyclable things. My kids take this very seriously and they couldn’t wait to get started. We started with the junk mail, etc. Then I gave the kiddos a shower. They were asking about taking a shower in the downstairs bathroom so I let them. Wow I can’t remember last time that shower was used. Of course it was exciting for them. Justin just wanted to cuddle a bit after shower while Nicole went in the play room and got all her little pony stuff out. Then Justin wanted to drive his car, so we went outside and Nikki too. The kids had fun driving together. We came in and played a little Wii and made dinner. The kids were in such good moods tonight. They were running around the little table in the kitchen and on the stools, sliding the stools-just having so much fun together. Upstairs continued with good craziness. The kids were pretending to cry then I would chase them, they would run to daddy, we hid and popped out on them, etc. I would chase them and they would shut the door in my bathroom and I would quietly wait, they would come out and just be laughing. Dad and Nikki played some doll house while I hung out with Justin. I also worked on Nikki’s top of her bed, we are getting closer to making it work. Surprisingly the kids went right to bed tonight. Although, I had to act out things with Nikki’s animals, she wanted Thumper to give Fluffy a ride, etc.

Blog for Sun 4/12 and Mon 4/13

Tuesday, April 13th, 2010

Yesterday I guess I was too busy too blog or just tired. We just took it easy. Dad went and got an oil change in my car. He enjoyed his Sunday morning out by himself. He walked around and discovered new things in Tustin, organic coffee shop, etc. I gave the kiddos a shower. Justin wanted to take one with me. We decided to go to lunch @ Little Pickle then to the swap meet. The kids wanted to buy something. Justin was begging us for a car the entire time. At the end we let him get one, a Lamborgini. He was so excited. Nicole picked out cheap crappy binoculars, but since they were a $1.00/pr we let her get one for Justin too. We got home and spent some time with Zoe. We threw balls then mom and dad went out for date night. It was so nice to be together. The kids had a great time with the sitter. Now on to today. Bret took the day off so we could go to Disney, but it was rainy and cold.  I had a doctor’s app’t , just endocronoligist and Bret came with me. My doctor is so awesome Bret may start seeing him as well. Guess back on a diet but I am not starting until tomorrow. Our neighbors came and stayed with the kids. The kids had Krista read a ton of books. We decided to take the kiddos to lunch. We told the kiddos they could turn in the pennies they earned for something. Justin wanted Chuck E Cheese and Nicole still wanted her doll. So we divided and conquered. Bret went with Justin and I ran to Wal Mart with Nicole. She finally found a doll, one of the ones from best friends club. She is a little young for it but cheaper than the American dolls. We met back at Chuck E Cheese and stayed for a bit. But after I made everyone go shopping for bedding for the kids beds. I have some ideas on how to do Nicole’s canopy, I am just wondering if it is something I can do. After getting home we went in the jacuzzi. So much fun in there with the kiddos. They pretended to be Shamu and dogs and did a ton of tricks. After the jacuzzi the kids were a bit fighty, so annoying but that’s siblings for you. After dinner Nicole wanted to play doll house with me. Justin and dad played games. It was a nice night but for some reason we didn’t get the kids down until 8:45ish.

Saturday, April 10th, 2010

Nikki got up with me to walk Zoe this morning. She loves to help and to walk Zoe but she was hungry for breakfast so we didn’t walk too long. We all walked to soccer this morning. We took Zoe with us too. Zoe was a big hit, everyone loved her. The kids had fun at soccer. The girls and  boys played together. Nicole was always running and trying to get the ball but kids who knew how to play mostly got it. But Nicole just kept on going in and trying to get it again. Both kids even if they don’t have the ball really stay with it, running and running. It was so cold this morning at soccer. So crazy how the weather had been changing so much. On our walk home from soccer we just took our time for a bit. The kids had a great time waving to all the cars and trucks on the freeway overpass. Justin just loves it, so funny. We decided to go out for lunch. The kids would take a quick bite then they would chase birds. They had fun running around and Bret and I liked being able to hang out a bit. There was a grocery store over there so we ran in to grab a few things.  We came home and did home things. Bret put all new jets in the jacuzzi and cleaned it out. Hopefully it will be ready for us tonight. I can’t remember the last time we used our jacuzzi. I planted the new flowers we got yesterday. The kids kept busy playing in the backyard. I also cleaned the windows in the back. The kids like doing that so I let them do it for a bit too. It was nice to get some stuff done at home. I have been sneezing all day-I am hoping it is just allergies. The kiddos watched a little bit of Blues Clues after dinner. I took Zoe on the greenbelt and threw some balls for her. She is so psycho for the ball. The kids got to go in the jacuzzi tonight. They loved it! It was so cute two naked kids playing. They were in for about 20 minutes just laughing and having so much fun. It was hard to get them out. Dad read books and I almost fell asleep in the kid’s beds. The kiddos were pretty tired tonight.

Friday, April 9th, 2010

I am going to miss when the kiddos go back to school. It ended up being a really fun week. At home this morning the kids played Wii for a bit then played with each other. We headed out to go to Partyopolis, jump house place. Some friends met us there as well. The kids had a great time. I can’t believe how much energy these kids have. Nikki and Justin are such great kids. I witnessed a kid (older than my kids) having a huge tantrum today. Wow, I am so lucky my kids never have those. I was so hungry so we stopped to get lunch. We got some pizza then walked over to Home Depot. I wanted to get some flowers for the front of our house. I have been trying to get the kids to do this but they keep saying they want to go with daddy to get me flowers. When we got home the kids played fire engine and pretended a dog leash was the hose, so cute. I was showing the kiddos some old pics of them, going down memory lane. That lasted a bit but then they wanted to watch the Blues Clues video from the library. It was a little babyish but they didn’t seem to mind. After we went outside to plant our new flowers. The kids were helpful and helped dig holes. They also helped garden and loved learning how to trim the plants. We just had fun outside. Our neighbors came home and the kids went running over to tell them about the flowers and had them come over to see them. Dad came home a little early today. Just as I was about to plant he wanted to put in another sprinkler. So dad went to work. The kids were busy playing and having fun together. Then we threw lots of balls for Zoe. So fun to have Zoe around, she is such an easy dog. After dinner we just played. We played “cars” bingo and Cariboo. Upstairs the kids played hide n seek and got ready for bed. We read books then Nikki and I played doll house a bit while Justin and dad played cars. The kids were so cute tonight so we cuddled and talked. Time to walk Zoe.