Archive for September, 2010

Friday, September 17th, 2010

Just another typical day for us. I dragged the kids to Target before heading to school. We had a fun picnic outside of preschool. Just nice and relaxing. I hope to do lots and lots of picnics there. One mom and her child joined us today, so maybe more will follow. I read the kids a couple books then said goodbye to them. The kids got purple shirts from school and were so excited about them. It is the little things that make them happy. At school the kids did science, cleaned pennies with vinegar and salt. I ran to the grocery store and came home. So nice to be in the house alone. So quiet-I could barely get motivated to do anything. After school we went to Heritage Park. It is completely redone and is really nice. The kids played with some friends really nicely. I caught up with some friends I haven’t seen in a while. We ended up at the park for a long time since the kids were playing so nicely and having a great time. It was a perfect afternoon, weather, company, etc. The kids are still playing with the sorry game. And when it started to get dark we used some glow sticks and went for a walk. It was fun, although they were fighting over one particular glow stick. Nikki was a little cranky tonight and all over mommy. She sounds like she may be getting a little cold. I guess I can expect this a lot with them back in school. Hopefully she will get a good nights sleep. Justin has a caterpillar from grandma/pa’s house and he is trying to figure out how he can keep it. He calls it caterpillary and he can say it way better than I can.

Thursday, September 16th, 2010

Well Nikki woke up in the middle of the night saying she “needed water badly”. Justin was pretty restless in his bed. So I slept in Justin’s bed with him and on Nikki’s floor. Justin puts his foot right up to my leg and moves it  back and forth. He feels comfortable and go right to bed. This morning dad and I were downstairs before the kiddos. We heard the kiddos get up and then heard Justin say “follow the coffee smell”. We stayed home this morning as I am trying not to pull the kids in a bunch of directions. The kids took a bath, Nicole didn’t want a bubble bath and Justin did. Why do they always want different things? We borrowed the game Sorry from pre school. The kids were so excited to play it. It was fun! Of course we had to eat lunch and go. So the kids ate and played. We were all set to go then Nikki got hurt getting int he car. We were in a hurry to get to school on time. It was sad to drop the kiddos off, I missed them. I came home and visited with Bret for a bit, so nice to be together. Then I ran to the mall for a bit. Nicole asked me to come back to school early. I got the best greeting. I was the first mom there. I did some work in the office and then we were running to soccer. Nikki did amazing in soccer. She kept up with a 6 1/2 yr old. The older girl was monopolizing the mall and I was worried how Nicole would react. Nicole was a trooper. She ran and ran. It was fun watching her be all competitive. I was a proud mom. I got to spend time with Justin while we watched Nikki. After dinner the kids wanted to play Sorry again. I went for a walk with a friend. We went upstairs. I showed Justin that his traffic light was a bank too. All the coins in the house are now in it. The kids played well together, played with Mickey/Minnie animals. Nicole tucked them in to bed. Nicole was hard to get to settle down tonight. The kids were all laughing about their private parts. Bret and I were trying to not laugh but we couldn’t help ourselves.

Wednesday, September 15th, 2010

Ah what a great day, it is definitely true mom happy=happy family. I feel so much better. It is a great feeling. We headed out this morning to go to the library. I am so happy that the kids love books. I got one too to read in Palm Springs. We had a great time looking at books and picking them out. It was relaxing. We head a picnic lunch outside of pre school. The weather was great and the kids loved the picnic. After they played a bit and started to climb trees. I dropped the kiddos off at school, 1st time alone at pre-k. Of course they didn’t hesitate at all as they are so comfortable at school. I was a little sad but it was nice to have time to myself. I came home for a little bit, alone in the house! I visited daddy at work to say hi then tried to go clothes shopping. My clothes are looking a little old these days. I love picking the kids up as I get a big mommy. They had fun in school. They made paper houses and painted them. We hurried home as friends were coming to play. The girls dressed up as Cinderella. They were fighting over Justin. When dad came home he told him don’t worry you don’t have to get married. The girls played really well for a while but at the end Samantha was getting a little cranky. We had dinner then let the kiddos watch some TV. We read all the new library books we got today then headed upstairs. Nikki seemed to wake up though when it was time for bed. It is sweet she keeps calling me up there for hugs but she really needs to go to sleep.

Tuesday, September 14th, 2010

Saw my doctor today. I got yelled at for not taking better care of myself. Why is it that I can tell anyone whats wrong with Bret, Justin, and Nikki but I put myself last. I deserved it and hopefully now can get back on track again. It is amazing how much better I feel now that I got a new prescription. Luckily I have the best doctor ever. This morning our neighbors came to play with the kiddos while dad and I went to my doctor app’t. The kids all played so nicely. Justin was excited to make a track with Matthew and Nicole wanted to play doll house with Ellie. The kids were in great hands, the house was cleaned, what more could I have asked for. We got out of the house as the cleaners were coming. I ended up meeting a friend at Chick Fil A. The kids played and I caught up with one of my friends. We ended up being there for a couple hours. The kids had a great time together. It was nice to finally relax and like I said starting to feel better. We headed to soccer for Justin. Justin was trying so hard to keep up with the big kids, he did great playing and Nicole was cheering him on.  After soccer the kiddos played with some of their soccer friends, the other set of twins. I called dad and had him meet us at the park. It was nice for dad to get out a bit as he is in a boring office all day. We came home and had dinner. The kids wanted to learn how to play Bunco, I showed them an abbreviated version. They had fun rolling the dice and ringing the bell. I think ringing the bell was the most fun. Dad played wii fit and Justin joined him. So funny to watch them. Their favorite one was the skateboard. I went for a walk while dad and the kids played wii fit. When I got home they were playing the snowball fight one, so after we shut off the TV, the kids had a snow ball fight of their own with balls. They were having a great time. We took it upstairs and it was even more fun. So cute to watch the kiddos playing, so much laughing, etc. We wanted to get them to sleep a little early but we couldn’t break up all the fun they were having.

Monday, September 13th, 2010

I am not sure I will get used to this afternoon class. This morning the kiddos were playing so nicely. I needed to run a few errands so I had to interrupt play time. We went to Costco and Target. Before I knew it, it was time to get home and eat then go to school. Poor kids had to eat pizza on the way to school. Of course they didn’t mind-they thought it was kind of fun. What characters. I was a working mom today. It was a lot of fun. I am still amazed at all the cool things this teacher comes up with. I am annoyed with some of the moms at school though. It is all about them and they aren’t taking inconsideration the child’s best interest. I am not sure where the afternoon went. All of a sudden Bret was home and it was dinner time. Nicole practiced riding Justin’s bike. She is doing really well. Bret came home and I had a million things to do. Every time I went to say hi to him, I thought of another thing to do. I did learn if I don’t do things right away I forget about them. After dinner I went for a walk with a friend. Dad played with the kiddos. The kiddos were in a bubble bath when I got home. I folded/put away laundry then played with the kids in the bath. They were in the bath for so long that it was straight to bed.

Sunday, September 12th, 2010

I hate that the weekend is over. I have been so emotional and hormonal lately. Luckily I have an app’t next week with my doctor and he will fix me up. Today Bret had to get up at 6:00 and work this morning. Cindy went home today, thank goodness. It was fun to have a dog around but just something I don’t need in my life right now. I brought out Justin’s dog costume from Halloween. The kids loved it. Nikki was the first to put it on. She wanted a check up. So I grabbed the hospital scrub dress up and Justin put it on. He gave my doggie, Licky (aka Nikki) a check up. It was really cute. Then the kiddos switched.

After Bret was done working we went to the swap meet. Bret wanted to be cool and get some sun glasses. The kids just wanted to buy things. I had the kids bring their sun glasses to be like dad. We just walked around a bit but then the kids got really hungry. On our way out to get lunch the kiddos spotted the bounce houses. Of course they weren’t too starving to bounce. They went in the obstacle course one and had a great time. We headed to our favorite sandwich place, Little Pickle. After we went to South Coast Plaza for a children’s festival. The kids watched some dancing and we played around the mall. At home we just played outside for a bit then ended up having a late dinner. The kids were silly tonight. We played horsey and gave the kiddos lots of rides. Both fell right to sleep. Nikki decided she wanted to wear a diaper tonight but she only kept it on for about 2 minutes.

Saturday, September 11th, 2010

Well I survived without Justin for 24 hours. I missed my little guy. I did enjoy my alone time with Nikki. So weird to have just one child. Nikki and I had lots of fun together. We all went to Lowe’s as I signed the kiddos up for the craft project. Nikki and daddy made a dog leash holder while I ran to Carters. We all walked around Lowe’s looking at different things and thinking about our bathroom remodel. We played with Lego’s and Barbies. We got out the Barbies and one was Brittany, one was Tori, and one was Buffi.  Nicole decided that they were all here to visit her as a baby. She acted out with the Barbies the time we were on vacation and put N&J in bed with Tori and Brittany. Nikki decided to be Brittany, Bret was Tori, and I was Buffi. We played and Brittany was being naughty. The police pulled her over for speeding…I took the pretend car away for a week since she was speeding. When I said give me the keys, Brittany took off in the car with Tori and they went to Las Vegas. Nikki and I went to Joann’s this afternoon to make a craft. They had an open house on the classes I wanted to check out plus a craft for grandparents day. Nikki seemed really tired so we just headed home. She did get a little rest in the car but when we got home she was ready to play again. We were playing outside a bit, such a nice day. She helped me make dessert for tonight. I loved listening to Nikki and Justin talk on the phone, it was the cutest thing ever. Justin came home and he just wanted to play with his toys. He and grandpa saw the tall ships and got to go on them. Grandma’s foot was bothering her so she stayed home. It was great that Justin got alone time with them. Grandpa really had a great time, you could tell. We had dinner with my parents. Nikki asked them to bring oranges so she could make orange juice for all of us. She had a great time doing it….Justin got into it when there were only a few oranges left. It was nice to have the family back together again. Hopefully both will get a really good night sleep tonight.

Friday, September 10th, 2010

My headache is much better, yeah! This morning we played at home. I gave the kiddos a shower. Somehow the morning flew by and it was time to go to pre-k. I got to the school a little early to do some paperwork. I am so impressed by the pre-k program. The kids came running up to me in the office with little cups. They made orange juice. So cool. I think the kids brought me about 5 cups of juice. I ended up working the last half of pre-k for another mom. I love it and love watching the kiddos play. I had snack with the kiddos then went outside with them. When we got home Grandpa was here. He was coming to pick up Justin. Justin stayed alone at  grandma/pa’s house tonight. It was so sad for me to say goodbye to him but he was excited to go. Him and Nikki got out the lego’s and played a little before he left. I am so proud of my big guy for going by himself. I know he will have a great time. Nikki and I played legos for a while. We were acting out the people. It was nice hanging out with just Nikki but I could  only handle playing this for so long. I suggested we go outside. She decided to ride Justin’s bike since the training wheels are off. I held the bike and we were off. This is the first time she tried his bike with no training wheels. I was very proud of her for trying something new. She had a great time on the bike. Daddy held the bike and we all went for a walk. Nikki loved getting all the attention. Nikki wanted a burrito for dinner so we just walked to Del Taco/Carls Jr for dinner. She begged us for frozen yogurt so we went there too. It was fun to spoil her. She left a message for Justin saying goodnight and she loved him. So sweet. Nikki and I took Cindy the dog out for a walk. Nikki really understands the responsibility of what it takes to have a dog. You know most kids say that they will take care of a dog and never do…I believe Nikki would be so good to the dog. When we got home we just played in her room. She got out all her Pooh stuffed animals and we played Pooh. I read her two of her favorite books then we were out of time, it was time for bed. Grandma/pa and Justin called. It was so cute listening to Nikki and Justin talk on the phone. I think this may be the first time talking on the phone. I loved hearing Justin tell me about his night but he did sound tired. My parents took him to Dana Point to see the tall ships. I hope he remembers this always. And Justin if you are reading this some day remember I miss you and love you more! Nikki gave me extra hugs for Justin tonight. I am the luckiest mommy in the world to have two terrific kids!

Thursday, September 9th, 2010

My headache is still lingering. Today was a busy day. The kids were running around in their Incredible costumes. We made them take them off though as I want them to be in good condition for Halloween. We had our second day of pre-k today and I was working. I am really pleased with the teacher and pre-k class. The kids are able to play and continue playing rather than being on a busy schedule. We were outside for a long time-it was nice. The kids got to bring home some finger puppets, Mr. Pickles and Mrs. Bushy Tail. They were so excited-it was really cute. The kids thought of a story and drew some pictures. The story was of Mrs. Bushy Tail pulling Mr. Pickles over. He was speeding on his way to get a pizza. But when Officer Bushy Tail realized it was her friend, she gave him a hug instead of a ticket. After school, Nikki had soccer. She did great; she was a star. I think she got about 3 goals and she had fun out there. It is nice to see the kiddos in their correct age groups with regards to pre-k and soccer. I ran and got a pizza for dinner then needed to bring some food to pre school for a meeting. I want to type more about our day but I need to go relax. These were just the high lights.

Wednesday, September 8th, 2010

This morning was hard as I had such a headache. The kids got up and we went over to pre school to check in the 3 day class. There was one kids there in the class that kept on taking toys away from J&N. With a headache I just got really frustrated so we left. We came home and an appraiser came over since we are re-financing. The kids wrapped presents for one another pretending it was their b-day and X-mas. I can’t remember the last time Nikki had a bath, so I gave the kiddos a bubble bath. They really had a great time in the bath. Nikki was pretending to be Violet and Justin Dash from The Incredibles. They soaped each other up it was so funny. I went a little overboard with the bubbles. I did some laundry. Justin pee’d his bed again last night but didn’t wake up. I am not sure what to do about this yet. I don’t want to put him  back in diapers but I sure am doing lots of laundry. It was dreary and drizzly this morning, ugh. First day of pre-k. I was snack mom. It is a really mellow class. The kids had a great time. But all of a sudden I heard Nikki crying. She had a bloody nose. Her and Justin crashed into each other, guess her nose hit his head. It was terrible. I forgot how much noses bleed. I just wanted to cry seeing my baby hurt. I am so glad I was working. I really like this new teacher. She is very sweet and all the kids seem to like her too. Here are pics of my big kiddos:

When we got home I tried to rest but had so much to do…laundry, cleaning, finish the hedging, etc. I am a bit stressed out! I decided not to go to Bunco tonight-too much to do. We had a nice family dinner then went to treat the kids to ice cream to celebrate their first day of school. The costume place was open so the kids found their Incredible costumes they have been wanting for Halloween. They loved wearing them in the store and playing around. We got home so late that they couldn’t wear them tonight. I am going to go get some things done and go to bed.