November 13th, 2008 by melissa

This morning Nicole threw up, as she calls it spit up. It was so weird she was so happy then went to lie down a bit and all of a sudden threw up. It has been about an hour later and she is the happiest little girl ever. So weird. We were supposed to go to Sea World but I was too afraid to be so far away from home as I didn’t know what would happen with Nikki. Thankfully, she was fine all day, happy and her old self. We stayed home most of the morning and the kiddos played trains, made tracks, Nicole swung her baby, made snakes with beads on strings, etc. Nicole looked kind of sleepy, so I took her upstairs. I rocked her a bit then laid down in our bed with her. Finally she fell asleep. Meanwhile Justin and I played. We played outside, picked up leaves, used the hose (his favorite), played T ball, painted, etc. We came in and had lunch together. I love the way he says blue berries. So weird to be with one child, kind of quiet with Nikki sleeping. After lunch Justin and I got the wood blocks out and made a street, we pushed trains, cars, planes on it. He was putting them in the “special lane”-which is what the kiddos call the car pool lane. We used flashlights, Justin is a very busy boy and makes messes in his path-ha. Nicole slept a couple hours, so sweet looking at her in our bed. We played upstairs for a bit then Nicole wanted some food. A little yogurt, crackers, and water and more throw up, poor little thing. But then she is the happiest kid after. Then I let the kiddos watch TV to rest a bit. After TV I couldn’t take being inside so I went to take the kiddos for a stroller walk. Of course no one sat in the stroller. The kiddos were running like crazy. I was a bit worried about Nicole but she was fine. We got home and the kiddos wanted to ride their bikes. They had so much fun going down the driveway fast together. Hopefully Nicole is on the mend as she ate a good dinner. The kiddos took a bath and then we just read a ton of books. Nicole is still awake singing up a storm, so she is definitely feeling better, thank goodness.

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