November 16th, 2008 by melissa

Lots of fires in CA with these Santa Ana winds. It is terrible as lots of houses were burned down. We got up this morning and guess what we did? Played with trains! Dad ran to the store and out for coffee. Nicole is bugging Justin while playing trains, putting her foot on the tracks, etc. Lots of whining and fighting today. We went to Grammy’s today for lunch. The kids rode their trikes there. We went around the neighborhood on bikes then the kiddos played with the CD’s. What a mess stacking CD’s up into towers. Daddy needed to do some things at Grammy’s as she is leaving for NZ on Thursday. On the way home I needed to go to Nordstrom rack to exchange a few of Nicole’s clothes she got for her birthday. Dad played with the kids on the escalators for a bit while I shopped. That store is crazy busy. On the way home, we stopped at Toys R Us to pick up the new kitchen that grandma/pa bought for the kids. It has a bbq attached, the kids will love it. We came home and had dinner. We went on a walk around the neighborhood with flashlights and the kids loved it. We got out mail and it is was a birthday gift card to Toys R Us from one of our friends. I asked the kids what they wanted to buy with it and Nicole said she wanted to buy Tierney singing birds (like Tiki room at Disney) and Justin wanted to buy Tierney trains. It was time to go upstairs, we read books, and the kiddos went right to sleep.

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