Who Knew Tape Could Be So Much Fun

November 23rd, 2008 by melissa

This morning I woke up early and read the entire paper before anyone got up, I rarely get uninterrupted moments like this. Daddy started working on painting the kiddos room. He finished the primer coat-yeah! The kids and I played, mostly in the empty room with the tent and tunnel. I had some painter’s tape that didn’t stick too well to the wall, so I let the kids put it all over the wall. They loved it. Nicole said she was putting Angela’s name on the wall (name from a book, Red, Blue, I Like You). Justin wanted really long pieces of tape. After the kids fought over trains, so we escaped to the park. The kiddos rode their trikes to the little park across Eastwood (the one where Tracey went down the slide). It was fun being outside. We came home and had lunch then decided to finish painting a bit. The kids watched Diego while we painted. We got one coat of blue paint (needs two coats) on Justin’s wall and Nicole’s only needed one coat of pink. It is looking really cute. Can’t believe this is the second time we are painting the kiddos room. After I took the kiddos grocery shopping, it was so crowded though and there were no little carts. But the kids still did well and discovered new ways of helping me. After we got home we ran to Santa Ana Mall for a few things. Of course the store was out of the sizes we needed, ugh. The kids got hungry earlier, so we ate at Olive Garden at the mall. Justin is being such a momma’s boy these days and Nicole a definite daddy’s girl, with one exception they both want me when they cry. We came home and the kiddos watched while daddy made sure a vcr/dvd was working, of course they would have loved to watch more than 5 minutes. We put their room back together a bit then read books. I didn’t think Nicole would go to sleep tonight but luckily she did.

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