Park-Play Group

February 26th, 2008 by melissa

This morning we met some friends at Woodbury Park (Candice, Vena, Stacey). The weather was perfect. The kids had so much fun at the park. They were into everything, climbing on the play equipment, playing in the sand, swinging, etc. As we were leaving the park we ran into Kristen and Teagan. After we came home and hosted play group. I felt like we hadn’t been to a play group in a while. It was so nice, the kids played so well. And it was so nice to talk to other moms. After nap the weather was so nice that we played outside for a long time. We also ran some errands. I just love this nice weather. The kids were so funny tonight. Both of them wearing big kid underwear. Of course Nicole had to wear Justin’s underwear. The dog we saw the other day really made an impression on Nicole. Before putting her in her crib she sticks her tongue out and pretends to dig. We all laugh hysterically, including Justin.

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