Finally Date Night

November 26th, 2008 by melissa

It rained a lot last night. This morning the kiddos played so well, I loved hanging out with them. We went over to Stacey’s for a playdate. The kiddos had a great time playing with all of Nikki’s toys. They shared really well. The liked Nikki’s little electric ATV even though my kiddos were too big for it. The kids and adults all had lunch. It was just a great morning. After I ran to Target to get Justin a new cup finally, he picked a green one this time. We just took our time around Target then headed to Carters. It started raining on us, the kids were so excited. They didn’t care if they got wet at all, they wanted to watch the rain. They rarely see rain-they even told me I would need the wipers on in my car. We also saw a rainbow but the kids didn’t seem to care. On the way back to the car we stopped at the little Farmer’s Market and the kiddos picked up some fruit to eat for a snack. We came home and played for a bit. Then Staci (instructor from Playball) came over. The kids seemed really excited. I left and met Bret. Bret and I saw a movie, the first time in about 2 years. We saw Role Models, predictable and stupid but just what we needed. It felt so good to just sit and watch a movie. Then we went to BJ’s for dinner, so yummy! We got home and the kiddos were so happy, loved having Staci here. They walked to the park and played in the puddles, they seemed to love that. Played lots of trains and ate dinner. They had a great time, so glad we found a great sitter again. I can’t wait to go out again. The kids were pretty hyper when we got home, much better than having them unhappy. But they went to bed easily.

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