Snot and Boogers

February 28th, 2008 by melissa

It was such a beautiful day today. We got out of the house early and made it to the park before music class. We had so much fun. We fed bread to the ducks until some lady came and dumped all this food so the ducks went to her. We played on the swings for a while and the kids went through a tunnel slide. After we went to music class. The kids hugged Miss Judy about 10 times-it was so cute. They had so much fun at music class. After we went to the park again. We saw lots of friends there, Vena, Maggie, Christine, and Lori. We had a great time at the park. The kids had so much fun playing. On the way home in the car Nicole declared and I quote “I loves snot” and then Justin chimed in with “I love boogers”. I chose to believe he said burgers-it iss so funny though what comes out of their mouths.  We had lunch and played a bit before nap. After nap, we played at home for a while then went for a walk. Then grandma/pa came over. The kids had a great time and then we all went to dinner. Tonight the kids were really into puzzles, jumping naked in each other’s cribs, and reading books.

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