Merry Christmas

December 25th, 2008 by melissa

Bret got me a Coach purse and a digital picture frame-I love both! I gave Bret a Trikke, Starbucks gift card, and a sweatshirt. This morning we needed to keep Nicole upstairs as Justin decided to sleep in. We went downstairs and Justin said bikes first. It was so cute. Then we went to check if Santa and the reindeers ate the cookies and carrots the kids left. The kids dumped out their stockings all over the floor. They are loving their new princess and car flahlights. So after taking the time to shop for the gifts, wrap the gifts, the kiddos had them open in about 15 minutes. Justin flung the clothes, he wasn’t interested in those at all. The kiddos got so much, but their favorites are the bikes. It rained so we took the cars out of the garage so they could at least ride in the garage. Finally there was a break in the rain and here are some pics (Justin is still in his jammies).

The rain started again so the kiddos just rode their bikes in the garage. The kids have been so fighty an screamy today-it is driving Bret and I to drink! Nicole can’t seem to leave Justin alone. The kiddos watched the ABC DVD and Thomas. After it was just fighting again. We went from one toy to the next. We also moved things around in the house. I thought if we had their little play kitchen by the real kitchen they would play with it more. And it has seemed to work. Nicole loved cooking for me and her baby.

The kids aren’t really interested in going in the futon room and playing anymore. They just want to be where the action is. There was another break in the rain so we went outside again. I was tired of not being part of the riding so I dug out my roller blades. Nicole wanted to be on her bike right next to me, totally cute but hard since I am not that good on my roller blades. We came in and more fighting. Bret and I can’t take it so we let the kiddos watch some Geo Trax video that came with Justin’s train set. After dinner we just played some more, mostly with trains. We went upstairs early and just read lots of books. Justin said his belly hurt (gas). And as we were kissing Nicole she said her ear hurt. I hope that explains her crankiness. I need to go rest and still try to clean up around here.

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