Been On The Go All Day

December 28th, 2008 by melissa

This morning we decided to go to the OC Marketplace. It was so empty there, it was nice. We got lots of fruits and veggies and a new area rug for our family room. We were there much longer than we thought we would be. So we headed over to Grammy’s and had lunch. The kids played and rode trikes. I was surprised they rode the trikes since getting the two wheelers. Sharon met us over there as well. She wanted to see the kids and give them Chanukkah presents. She gave them really cute pillowcases, pink kitty and blue dog. The kids were as entertaining as ever. We got home and I am dog sitting for Cindy again. Our house still feels chaotic from the holidays. I tried to get it under control since our friend from college, Tom came over. Dad took down the Christmas tree 🙁 The kids liked Tom. We decided to go to Dave and Busters so the kids could have fun too. Of course, Justin finishes dinner first and says lets play games over and over again. We drove cars, ski ball, and circus games, etc. He has the cutest smile while playing the driving video games. I always think we have enough time there then we always end up rushing out of there. Nicole wanted to hold Tom’s hand. The kids went to bed really easily. Then we just hung out with our good friend Tom. It is nice to catch up with him. Wish we could see each other more often.

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