January 22nd, 2009 by melissa

So cute this morning, the kids woke up at the same time. All of a sudden you heard Nikki say hi Justin and vice versa. When I read this in time I may say how can that be cute but it really was. The kids were busy using the rocket launcher thing in the house this morning. Too cold to use it outside. I am sure it will be the greatest thing ever when we take it outside. This morning the kids slept in a bit then they had to eat breakfast and off to pre school. I ran to the gym and Coscto. In and out of Coscto within 15 minutes without kids, but I did miss them. Dad stayed home a bit for the life insurance guy to come. I love picking the kids up from pre school since they are so happy to see me and have so much to tell me. We came home and had lunch. The kids didn’t eat too much so they must have had a big snack at pre school. Then I gave the kiddos a bubble bath. They were so excited to have a bubble bath. They pretended the bubbles were snow. They watched a little TV and their friends came over. They played really well. I played football and catch with the kiddos. Nicole swung in her swing a bit. I didn’t plan dinner, so we walked to the pizza place. The kids were in the Bob stroller with their flashlights. So cute to watch Justin drive the games at the pizza place. He is just big smiles the entire time. They played air hockey too. We walked home and the kids ate their dinner in the stroller since they were too busy playing games to eat. Nicole put her baby in her crib (by her bed) and she was a good mommy. She gave her a blanket and turned the mobile on. The kids were pretty hyper tonight. I still hear them talking upstairs, hopefully they will be asleep soon,.

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