We Go To My Gym A Lot!

January 28th, 2009 by melissa

I worked out this morning. The kids love that kids club, it is so great. It is always a struggle to get them out of there. So nice. After we stopped at park day for a bit. We went to Orchard Park. The kids had fun, wanting to swing, slide, etc. They love pretending they are Curious George and climb. I got to be the man with the yellow hat. The kids listened so well and got right in the car when I said it was time to leave to go to My Gym. I wish I brought the video camera to My Gym, I keep forgetting it. The kids were all smiles and loved that Neil was teaching the class. They listened really well and laughed a lot. Neil asked the kids what their favorite place to go is and Justin said Chuck E Cheese. And when Nicole was aked Justin said Chuck E Cheese. My Gym has a special of two classes a week plus open gym, so we are there a lot. We came home and the kiddos ate a big lunch. They played with the Chute and Ladder pieces pretending the people were Sally and Billy (just like in the stories I tell at night). We played in the backyard a bit then watched some TV. It was such a nice day out so we met some friends at Hicks Canyon Park. The kids love this park and were on the see saw for most of the time. I remembered their sand toys so they had fun playing in the sand too. We came home and picked up dad to go to a fundraiser at a restaraunt for our pre school. I was surprised that not a lot of people were there. Anyway the kids had a great time walking around The District, seeing the fountains and fireplaces. They were pretending like they were the fire dep’t and putting out the fire. They were so talky on the way home, so silly but loud. Read books, told stories and put the kiddos to bed.

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