Dead Presidents Day

February 16th, 2009 by melissa

It may be dead presidents day but we are happy Bret was off from work. But the weather was so crappy, staying in bed sounded nice. Nicole was up last night. When I asked her why this morning she woke up last night, I got she wanted to tell Justin something. We got up to go to the gym. Told the kiddos we were going to take daddy car but then it was too rainy. So since mommy car was in the garage we wanted to take it. Got into mommy’s car and the battery was almost dead-ugh, so to daddy’s car we went. We left the interior light on in mommy car-ugh. Dad and I worked out. The kiddos did ok in the child care. Nicole was still a little dif’t about being in there. After we headed to Grammy’s for her termite inspection. It was so cold at her house. Then we grabbed lunch at Little Pickle, our favorite sandwich shop and headed to South Coast Plaza. The kids rode the carousal and was really interested in Rainforest Cafe. But they were still a little scared. Did a little shopping too. We came home and the kiddos watched some TV. Then we just played and played at home, trains, babies. etc. We colored and did stickers. We made a street out of blocks but then Justin wanted to build a track. Nicole and I made a tower with blocks and she crashed it down. The kids pretended to do their sharing like in pre school. Nicole is bringing her blocks tomorrow and Justin his pinwheel. We practiced saying the clues louder so we will see what happens tomorrow. Got the house already for the cleaners tomorrow. We played upstairs, the kids just wanted to play with all the money again. It is really silly to watch. The kids were a little hyper when they got into bed but they settled down quickly.

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