February 18th, 2009 by melissa

This morning the kiddos and I had a great time playing at home, mostly with trains. But I knew I had to get to the gym. I was nervous about leaving Nicole in the kid’s club as she hasn’t been too happy there. But today I walked in to pick them up and she screamed I had fun! They both colored pictures for me. I brought them in the locker room area with me and they were so happy to see where I go. Then we ate some lunch on the go and at My Gym. The kiddos had their My Gym class. They had so much fun. But I think they are going to My Gym a lot as the kids said we just went there. So cute to watch them, just puts a smile on my face. We ran an errand on the way home. The kids came home and played. They played with the pieces of Candyland and pushed trucks and cars. I had to go to the grocery store. The kiddos were a great big help pushing the little carts. They love to take things off the shelves for me and the best part for them is unloading their carts. Also love to help me pick out what fruits/veggies to buy and put them in theĀ  bags. I was going to take the kiddos to the park since it was a nice day but they just wanted to hang out at home. Unfortunately staying at home means a mess. They filled up the futon room (airport) with all their toys. They sit on the futon as that is the plane and read books. We read a ton of books this afternoon. It was nice cuddling with the kiddos on the couch and reading to them, especially since we haven’t been reading too much at night time. Dad came home and the kiddos watched Curious George while we made dinner. After dinner we went to PJ storytime at the library. Our kids were a little too hyper to sit still. After watching them wiggle for about 10 minutes we decided to leave. We came home and they were playing with the money again. Just having a great time. The kids are becoming home bodies which is fine with me. They went to bed a little late-ugh. Nicole really wants me to work at pre school tomorrow. She said to daddy what happens if I poop, who will wipe my butt-HA

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