Day @ Disney

February 20th, 2009 by melissa

Well this morning I decided to take the kiddos to Disney. I figure our pass will run out soon so go while I can. It was so nice out so a great day to go. We got there at but by about 10:30 it was getting too crowded. We rode the rocket ships first, one of the kids favorite rides. Small World was open so we went on that. The kids wanted to go again and again on that ride. We went on the Circus Train and headed over to Tomorrowland. The kiddos went on the Autopia. Of course they loved driving. They have been begging me to go on the monorail, so we got on. Their little faces were so excited we were getting on the monorail. We rode it twice then got off at Downtown Disney. Disney was getting too crowded. So we ate lunch then played. The kiddos loved the Lego store and built on the little tables. Justin saw that Legos have trains too so he was just focused on that. We just walked around looked at all the fountains and headed back to the shuttle. We needed to stop at Costco on the way home. The kiddos and I were pretty tired. Somehow they got their second wind and I am still waiting to get mine. They watched TV for a bit. After watching TV I sent the kids upstairs to get a phone. Justin was so excited-Nicole says can I carry it and he says no. It was silly. We talked to grandma/pa on the phone for a bit then headed outside to play. The kids were playing T-ball, they were playing really well. Then Katie, Michael, and Sarah came over. We were babysitting tonight so Paula and hubby can have a night out. The kids all had a great time playing together. They loved playing store and feeding Kota the dinasour everything from money to balls, etc. The girls played with girly things and the boys played with trucks. Nikki and Mikey were playing with the ball popper and loving it, pretending it was popcorn. The house was a mess but the kiddos had so much fun. I am so glad this works out so well taking care of each other’s kids. We put our kids to bed a little late-they must have been exhausted since we had such a busy day. Bret and I cleaned up all the toys and I am so exhausted from the day too!

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