February 26th, 2009 by melissa

This morning we dropped daddy off at work and he is going to bike home. Then I took the kiddos to pre school. Nicole was a little apprehensive about me leaving but she was better than she has been the last few times. While the kiddos were in pre school I ran with a friend around castle park. Then I came home and got ready for our play date. The kids were so excited that their pre school friends were coming over. The kids had a great time at pre school. When I got there they were outside playing the in the wet sand! We had a great play date. All the kids played so well. So cute to watch everyone play, so sad seeing my house get all messed up. The kids played all over the house. So cute watching Justin eat at the picnic tables with his friends, giggling. Nicole was too busy with her friends to eat for a while. Justin interacted with friends more than he ever had. Him and Neela were cracking up over the laptop. Here are some pics:


I let the kiddos watch TV so I could clean up. The moms were so sweet to help me clean up, but they did it when I wasn’t looking. Toys in all the wrong places. So I cleaned up toys for about 45 minutes and it is still not finished. Besides that it was nice to hang out with the other moms and watch the kiddos. I gave the kiddos a bath. So cute Justin puts all the ducks on the boat and brings them to the play ground, etc. The kids also use washclothes and pretend to wrap gifts. Oh at pre school a mom told me two kids were fighting over a square to sit down on and they said Justin got up and said why don’t you share? After bath the kids played naked for a while. They were “exercising” in front of the closet mirror, jumping up and down and just laughing. They played upstairs naked for the longest time, it cracked me up. They pretended to have a picnic and all the empty hangers in our closet are on the floor but that is the price I paid for a little break. Also my two little palm tree towels are wet which I am believing it is from the bath. We played Candyland then headed upstairs. I started going through some of the kids baby clothes so I can put the ones I want to keep in the attic. Oh my goodness, the most tiniest and cutiest clothes. The kids played with money and pretended to feed the animals.The kids played so well together this afternoon and tonight, it was so nice.  It was a big busy day and we are all tired. Oh tonight we were talking about the play date and Nicole all of a suddens says there were 2 Grace’s, one big and one small. Grace and her little sister look so much alike.

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