February 28th, 2009 by melissa

Nicole and daddy went to get Starbucks. I loved having some alone time with Justin, we swept the inside of the house just for fun and of course we ended up at the train table. After breakfast dad took the kids to My Gym for a make up class while I went for a run/walk. I must be the slowest runner ever. I felt so bad missing My Gym but I get to go all the time. The kids had fun, they loved having daddy there to watch them. After My Gym I headed to grandma/pa’s with the kiddos. Tierney was there too. Tierney was so cute heading to Nicole, trying to climb on Nicole and trying to put Nicole’s arm in her mouth. Nicole loved helping out with T. Justin loved playing cars. We tried to take a picture of all 3 kids, but T was too tired. Nicole was so tired on the way home but I managed to keep her awake. We had one of her baby dolls in the car and I made it come alive. Nicole and Justin drew pictures for her. While dad was home he put the new ceiling fan in the kid’s room and moved the one from the kid’s room to the office. I dropped the kids off at home and went to get my haircut. It is a little shorter than I wanted but will grow fast. Justin wanted to wash a car so badly, he has been asking for a few days now. So they washed daddy’s car. The kids were pretty hungry and tired tonight. We had an early dinner and then walked to the neighbors with Zoe the dog. We took flashlights and the kids gave Zoe the tennis balls we bought for her. They were so happy to make Zoe happy. We came home and headed upstairs. The kids wanted us to read a ton of books. We actually put them to bed a little earlier than normal.

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