March 12th, 2009 by melissa

This morning the kids had pre school. Bret had to go to Costa Mesa for a demo for a vendor then have lunch with his new boss. I dropped the kids off. It was so nice getting some time for myself. I went to the gym then came home for a while. I just cleaned up a bit inside and outside. I can’t believe how there is always something that needs to be done. I love picking the kids up from school and hearing all about their day. We had lunch then we just played. The kids ran away from the “storm” and into the laundry room. They helped me clean up the backyard, put all the rocks away they played with. The kids went to watch TV and Justin spilled his milk all over the couch, it was an accident as the cover probably wasn’t on tight. The kiddos watched Curious George and I played with my computer and did laundry. The kiddos got to their underwear and sock drawer, needless to say socks and underwear were all over the house. The kids and I played Lincoln Logs for a while. So fun to sit and play with them for a while and listen to their imagination. We were hosting play group today. It was a small play group but lots of fun. I am waiting for play group to go away since people aren”t coming anymore-I would rather just schedule play dates whenever. Nicole was a bit needy during play group. Dad came home a bit early from work. Then I got ready to go to a preschool thing. Since I am the membership person I had to learn how to deal with registration night. Nicole was so cute watching me leave the garage, waving and screaming I love you! Dad and the kids played games. Dad told Nicole I would give her a hug/kiss when I got home. So I ran right up there and Nicole was so happy to see me. I rocked her for a bit and just loved hanging out with her. Justin was snoring away.

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