March 18th, 2009 by melissa

We played at home this morning. Playing meant bringing all the toys that belong downstairs upstairs and vice versa. What a mess but they had so much fun playing. They were “hiding” in their room. They loved when I came and found them. They also had to shut their door as there was a storm coming. Carin come over with Sofi and Carin. So cute Nicole wanted Sofi to go upstairs to play. Nicole had me holding her Minnie Mouse while she went out for a jog. Sofi joined in too. So cute to watch the kiddos play together. Justin was playing with the girls a bit but also played by himself more. It was so nice out the kids were so happy to be wearing shorts. We went to My Gym. The kids had so much fun. We got there a little early too so I played with the kiddos. They loved sliding into the ball pit and jumping on what they called the stage. Neil asked the kiddos what their favorite animal was, Justin said a giraffe and Nicole said a cat. After My Gym we ran home to meet the termite inspector. The kids were all staring at what he was doing. No termites and just a little dry rot on our patio cover. We needed to run to Target to get a few gifts, so hard to race through Target with the kiddos. I bribed them in the cart with snacks and they were great. After we headed to our music class. It was ok. The kids learned high/low notes and tempo. They both participated really well. They got to strum the guitar a bit and learned where the high and low notes are on a piano.After we raced to meet some friends at the library for story time. We didn’t make it in time, so we just read books together. After we played outside with our friends. The weather was so nice and the kids are so excited to be wearing shorts. We did an errand then met dad at the Tustin Marketplace for dinner. The kids were crazy, running around and playing at the fountain. After dinner dad and Justin headed to Lowe’s to get some stuff. On the way out dad and Justin stopped at the farmers market store and bought an apple. Nicole and I went off to go shopping at Carters. So much fun being alone with her. She loved it, so happy. I let her do stuff that I can’t let them do when they are together, like hold my keys, jump together, etc. I decided to get her a special treat and she picked gummy bears. She shared them with Justin when we got home. We went upstairs and the kids just played. They pretended to play doctor with baby. Nicole was the mom bringing her baby to the doctor (Justin). They had brown paper bags and filled them with toys. What a mess upstairs. Dad got called for work so the kids and I just continued the nightime routine. We read books and the kiddos went to bed pretty easily, we had a busy day.

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