March 25th, 2009 by melissa

Guess it was a busy night, Nicole slept on my bed in her room and Justin woke up so I just brought him in our bed. It took him a while to go back to sleep-that was after kicking me! At least I slept pretty good. This morning we spent most of the morning at home. The kids were happily playing at home. They were into their dry erase boards. Of course they just make me nuts with those markers. Finally it was such a nice day out the kids wanted to go to the park. We had fun. The kids played in the sand, on the swings, tire swing, etc. We ran into some friends there too! We came home and had lunch. The kids played in the futon room with the cars, the games, the string the balls, etc. Then they watched some TV. I am feeling sorry for myself. One of my friends wanted to do something today, I e-mailed her ok and I never heard back. Also another one called to see if I could babysit-I am just feeling very taken advantage of these days. After TV the kids did their music homework, colored a piano. Nicole’s was pink and Justin’s was green. They also made pictures to give to their music teacher. We were off to music class. We were the only ones there. Glad that my two kids make a class. It was actually really great just being the only ones in the class. The kids had fun and got 100% of the attention. The kids showed the teacher their coloring and got stamps for it. They made notes (watermelons) on the board and rests. They got to strum the guitar while singing the hello song. They played high and low notes on the piano. They got bells, shakers, and scarves to go along with music. The part I liked best is the kids both got a turn. They carried a drum around and as the teacher said walked, they hit it slowly, then she said hop they hit it a little faster, then run and hit is really fast. We had a great class today. On the way home we went to look at a swim school. The kids just wanted to watch. They loved watching all the kids in the water. They really wanted to go in and got to feel the water. Not sure what I am doing yet but am thinking of swimming lessons. On the way home we stopped at Costco for fruit. The kids stayed in the cart which made it really fast. They also got new bathing suits, princess for Nicole and cars for Justin. We came home and had dinner. After dinner I needed to drop some things off at the neighbors so we took a walk. Both kids in their bathing suits and boots, it was really funny. We stopped at our neighbors with the dog Zoe so we could see what they did for lighting in their living room. The kids were loving playing with the dog. Came home and the kids were silly. We read books then cuddled in bed. I got lots of extra squeezes which I love. Had to write clues for their sharing for pre school and off to watch TV.

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