Another Great Day With The Kiddos

April 1st, 2009 by melissa

We went to our first Easter egg hunt of the season. We went to Irvine Regional Park. They had so much going on there and the kids wanted to do everything-I think it would have been cheaper to go to Disney. We had a great time. First we did the egg hunt. They were allowed to get 8 eggs each. There were a lot of other kids that got to the eggs first. But they kept putting more out. Nicole is mad at the Easter bunny because one of her eggs was empty. The kids had fun opening their eggs and seeing all the stuff they got. Of course the candy was the highlight. They put all the stickers on their clothes. Justin wanted to keep everything in his pants pockets but I told him the things may fall out when he goes in the bounce house. I got some cute pics.


Then the kids bounced and bounced. The whole time I heard “mommy watch, watch me”. I didn’t mind at all. Of course we couldn’t go to this park without going on the train. But then we noticed the wagon ride. Nicole said she liked the bouncing and the egg hunt the best. Justin liked the wagon ride and the egg hunt the best. Before we left the park Nicole wanted to speak to the Easter bunny about the one egg being empty. We went over there I was hoping the kiddos would sit on the Easter bunny’s lap but they just watched. I explained to Nicole she got lots of other eggs. Just a nice time with the kids. On they way home we stopped at Costco. We needed lots of stuff and snacks for a play group tomorrow. The kiddos got to watch Curious George, still the all time favortie. After TV we were playing a bit and noticed we needed to leave for storytime. We met some friends at Katie Wheeler Library for story time and craft. The kids liked the stories about bunnies and made bunny masks out of paper plates, really cute. After we played outside for a little while, hide and seek. Justin was hiding and decided if he couldn’t see the seeker, then the seeker couldn’t see him. So he sat on a bench with his back to the seeker, so funny! Then Justin said his belly hurt so we left. It was just gas, he was much better after going to the bathroom. Daddy rode his bike home and I went out for a quick jog. After dinner the kids played in the backyard. They were in their jammies and getting all wet, ugh. But they were so proud of themselves washing my windows, using dirty brooms. We went upstairs and played hide and seek (rescuing). Somehow hides and yells help help and then they get rescued. So fun, the kids just love it. Daddy was busy using the comforter to throw the kids on the bed and the loved that. Daddy read some books and the kids were looking really tired. Nicole put her baby to bed and Justin had his dog.

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