Strawberry Picking

April 9th, 2009 by melissa

This morning the kids slept in a little bit. Today was a field trip at Tanaka farms for pre school. We had a great time. The kids loved the strawberry picking the best. On the wagon ride, the kids tried all kinds of veggies, celery, scallions (Justin liked it), carrots, spinach, and cilantro. Justin sat with his friends on the wagon ride, Nicole started with her friends then moved on Ms. Lana’s lap then mine. Then the strawberry picking. The kids filled up their baskets so fast. Then they started eating the strawberries. All the kids had red faces. At the end there was a little strawberry maze, so much fun chasing Justin and Nicole, pretending to be a monster.


After we stopped for some pizza for lunch then went to South Coast Plaza. I kind of found a new polo for our family picture (not my favorite kind but it will do). We walked around, went on bunny carousal, saw fountains, walked across the bridge. We went to a store and the kids picked out shirts. Nicole got a Hello Kitty one and Justin got a Ramone from Cars shirt. The escalotors and elevators were so fun for the kids. We stopped in a few stores as well, toy store, Disney, etc. On the way home I dragged the kids to Coscto. Luckily they were hungry so I knew the snacks would help this shopping trip. I wanted to get an Easter ham. After we came home and they watched Curious George then took a bath. Nicole was playing before getting into bath so Justin took one for a while by himself-he liked it. Bret came home to two naked kiddos. Dad did flying burrito with them (wrap in a blanket and fly them around); they are getting way too heavy for that game. Then my old boss, Ken dropped off Pali for us to dogsit. She is such a sweet dog. Nicole was really excited. Nicole was so concerned that Pali hadn’t had her dinner yet. The kids played outside. I was picking green beans from our garden, as I picked the kids gobbled them up. The kids played basketball in the back yard. Nicole and I took Pali for a walk while dad and Justin played games. Nicole walked Pali the entire time, so funny to see little Nicole walking a big dog. We all went upstairs and read some books and time for bed. The kiddos were tired.

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