April 11th, 2009 by melissa

Ugh, Nicole woke up a lot last night. We hate that but luckily it doesn’t happen too often. Justin was the only one who slept last night. But Nicole is so cute in the middle of the night, especially when she tells you she wants to lay down with you. I try to savor these moments but it is really hard in the middle of the night. Justin woke up with a snotty nose, so we decided to miss My Gym, don’t want to infect anyone there. So we headed to the mall for a bit. It was so empty, so great. We just played in the mall and did a few errands. The kids loved watching the elevator. They have fun wherever they are. There was also a video playing with dancers regarding the Chinese New Year. Nicole was trying to dance like them. Since we tortured daddy by going to the mall we went out for his favorite food, Mexican (El Torito). The kids were so well beahved at the restaruant especially since they were really slow. When we got home the kiddos watched Curious George, while we made hard boiled eggs for decorating. I honestly think this was the first time I have ever made a hard boiled egg. We gave the kiddos a bath. Nicole was busy playing in our bed and wanted to finish so she took the shortest bath ever. It was nice for Justin to be in the bath himself. After bath we took Pali for a walk. We had a fun walk, just fun letting the kids play and walk. They both walked Pali and loved doing it. We went on bunny path but too early for the bunnies. I wish we could have stayed out longer but we had to get ready for our family photo. I hope it came out well and can’t wait to see. We took pictures on our own too but by the time that came around I had frizzy hair. The kids played on the play structure after the picture. It was getting pretty cold out so we got some dinner and came home. After dinner the kids were so fun. Got their second wind and played. We all went upstairs and read books. I was hoping to get the kiddos to bed a little early but they are still talking away. They are really into watches these days.

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