Weekends go by too fast

March 24th, 2008 by melissa

Mondays are hard, the kids miss daddy. We headed off to the zoo this morning. We met Paula and her kiddos. It was fun, but for some reason my kiddos wanted to fight over who was going to push the stroller. They never want to ride in it but I take it as I have so much stuff in my bag. Nicole was a hungry little girl this morning. She ate so much. Anyway the kiddos didn’t get to see to many animals, as most were busy eating. We saw monkeys, cows, roosters, chickens, geese, etc. We rode on the train; Justin was very excited. Nicole did well using the potty at the zoo. Scary having her in underwear but she did great. We came home, ate, and took a nap. Justin woke up first and I had fun playing catch with him with a football.  After nap we went to Costco. I needed so much stuff. Then we played outside for a while. The kids are just loving playing with water, so we got the water table out. We played in the garage too so I could clean out my car a bit. Nicole is doing really well potty training and doesn’t want to pee in her diaper at night or at nap. So you put the kiddos in their cribs, come down stairs, then you hear “I need to go pee pee”. Then you go up there, take her out of her crib, undress her, diaper off, no pee-you dress her and 5 minutes later “I need to go pee pee”. She always goes on the 2nd time. Then we hung out on mommy and daddy’s bed and she went right to sleep.

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