We Really Miss Daddy

March 27th, 2008 by melissa

Today was a day of my friends being really sweet and taking care of me and the kiddos while hubby is out of town. We walked to Maggie’s (Aliya) house and played this morning. My kids had a wonderful time. They loved the bounce house, it was so cute to watch all three kids bounce together. The kiddos all played well together. We were outside almost the entire time. We had lunch there and then it was time to come home. The kids had a great nap today-must have been all the jumping. After nap, we then went to Christy’s (Lexie and Sienna) to play and have dinner together. The kids had such a great time playing. We had fun playing out with Christy and Lexie. We had spaghetti for dinner. Usually at home we have the kids get naked for spaghetti since it is so messy, so of course they said “naked spaghetti night” and naked they were. It was so funny though. It was a great day hanging out with our friends and it was so thoughtful of them to think of me and the kids. Time for bed, I am exhausted.

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