I Love Weekends

March 29th, 2008 by melissa

This morning Gary, Matthew, and Ellie (Krista away) came over for a pancake breakfast. My kiddos were still upstairs when they got here and they were so excited to hear people downstairs playing with their toys. The kiddos played really well together while we made breakfast. Of course Nicole wore Matthew and Ellie’s shoes and Justin and Matthew played trains together. We just played at home for the morning….we were all over the house playing, upstairs, downstairs, outside. Then we went for a walk. I had to bring something to Maggie’s house so we walked over there. Maggie was home so we played in her house for a bit. Her daughter, Aliya was out with her daddy. We came home and had lunch. After nap, we ran to Mission Viejo. There is a house there that is my dream home, so I wanted to show Bret the neighborhood. Her liked it too. Not sure what we will do but we are going to explore all our options. We played at a nearby park, Flo Jo Park. It was a cute park. The kids had a blast playing. Nicole wanted to swing for a while and Justin was into climbing and sliding. They both played with the sand for a while. Then we went to Claim Jumper for dinner. Overall the kiddos did well until they started happy screaming. HA. They took a long bath tonight. Justin is sound asleep and Nicole is still awake. She is using the potty as an excuse to get out of her crib a million times.

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