Visiting With Family

April 24th, 2009 by melissa

This morning the kiddos slept in a bit. I went to run on the treadmill for a bit, just 2 miles. Then we all went to the mall to get some breakfast. However we are still on CA time so no breakfast was to be had. So we ate lunch for breakfast. We drove over to Todd and Lisa’s. The kids love the rental car and rolling down the windows. The kids were so happy to play with all the new toys here. Justin went for the train table and cars, Nicole was playing with the animals. They loved hanging out with Grammy too. Lisa and Henry were at the hospital for chemo but arrived at the house a few hours lately. We had a nice day with family. Meghan was a bit shy with us but finally warmed up to the kiddos. Nicole is really liking being with her. We walked over to the park. The kids had a great time at the park and it was gated which was nice.We didn’t stay at the park too long as we were afraid it was going to rain. Meghan wanted to the kids to have dinner with her. So we stayed for dinner. Not a very exciting day but pretty relaxing! After dinner the kiddos played with each other. Meghan and Nicole were pretend swimming, and then they all played dog. Chased the ball like a dog, etc. I got to read Henry some books. What a sweet boy, so sad everything he is going through but what a trooper. He is really cute! Todd drove us back to the hotel. We left our car at their house since it is so expensive to park at the hotel. This way we can take public transportation which the kids are excited about taking a trolley. We got some breakfast food on the way back to the hotel. The kids were all hyper when we got back to the hotel. So excited to be in the hotel room. They were jumping all over their bed. We are hoping to get them to bed a little early tonight.

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