May 23rd, 2009 by melissa

Yeah it is Saturday! I woke up and went running this morning with a friend, almost 4 miles. After running I watched the kids for a bit while daddy did some work (side work for a friend). We all went to the grocery store. The kids got some balloons and were so excited. When we got home the kids had a snack. I made them apples with peanut butter and teddy grahams (teddy teeter totters). Then made teddy sandwiches with peanut butter, they loved it. Then I made the cheesecake and had a glass of wine. It was fun to make an adult dessert. The kids played outside for a bit and played really well. So they were so good I let them watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. They love that show and it is fun to watch them interact with it, dance, etc. After lunch we played, read a new Little Einsteins book, finally got the kids dressed. A nice lazy day for us. Nicole wanted to play Bingo with me while dad and Justin were outside. Then she pretended I ws her rocket ship and she used my arms as the seatbelt. We went out front to see what dad and Justin were up to. I brought out chalk and the kids loved drawing on the driveway. The sound of chalk will always bother me. They hadn’t done chalk in a long time. We also went to run an errand. We went to Bed, Bath, and Beyond to look at new dishes. All the kids wanted to do was see the beds. The kids did get distracted and played with the pot holders, made puppets. There were pigs, alligators, dogs etc one pot holders that the kids just loved. I couldn’t believe how much fun it was to get on the display beds. Who knows if they were allowed but they sure loved it. When we got home we got ready to go to a friends for dinner. Another couple was there and it was fun. Nicole fell in love with one of those animal harnesses-I think she wore it all night. She loved the clips in front and the leash. I guess I should mention too that the kiddos wore their bathing suits there. Justin loved the little play structure and the cozy coupe car. He found a great little parking spot for it too. Nicole was so upset to leave the monkey harness behind. The kids were pretty hyper when we got home. They didn’t settle down until after 8:30. But thats ok as it was a fun night.

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