May 26th, 2009 by melissa

I loved having hubby home for 3 days. We had a great weekend. Back to work, back to pre school, back to reality. I dropped the kiddos off at pre school. It was kind of sad for me since we had such a good family day yesterday. I am going to miss my little buggers when they go to school more often. I ran some errands while they were in school. It was kind of nice to do things on my own. The kids were so cute when I picked them up. They didn’t want to leave. Nicole of course changed her outfit. After school one of our friends invited us over to play. We had a great time, nice to chat with other moms and pretty relaxing as the kids are all occupied with all the new toys. We came home to a clean house, I love that. The kids played outside for a bit. But if I hear mommy what should we do again, I may go nuts! They did water outside and I let them play with their umbrellas. They came in and watched some TV, a Little Einsteins and a Mickey Mouse ClubHouse. After TV they were getting a bit cranky so we just spent time together. I took turns playing with each one in my lap, tickling, etc.  Then I became a play structure. I bought the kids some new clothes so they tried them on and wanted to wear them. Finally Nicole liked something I picked out but she wanted to wear the shirt with dif’t shorts then I picked. The kids made some friends, Matthew and Ellie, pictures. So we rode bikes over there. Justin was busy looking at his shadow on his bike and crashed into a trash can. We all decided to go to Castle Park. The kids biked around the park. Then we headed to the play structure. The kids had a great time, Justin was busy biking down this little ramp and biked into the sand. Poor guy fell off the bike twice today but was fine. Both kids were in the swing for bit then played on the play structure. On the bike ride home the kids saw this huge limo and got to pet lots of dogs. Justin loved the big limo and told me he wanted to drive it-I let them look in the window but we couldn’t see much. We got home and the kids drove their cars for a bit. When dad got home Justin so enthusiatically told daddy about the big limo. After dinner dad played Bingo with the kids then had to go do some work. The kids and I headed upstairs and we read a ton of books. The kids used books as stepping stones as well. They had a hard time going to bed tonight-ugh. I got every excuse from the ceiling fan is waking me up, they hear people outside, they have to go potty, etc.

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