May 28th, 2009 by melissa

So nice not working at pre school too much lately. Don’t get me wrong I love being with the kiddos but it is nice to get a break. I went to the gym and worked out a bit. I came home and worked on trimming the hedges, almost finished. I took a quick shower then headed to Chick-Fil-A to get some food to bring to the park. After pre school we all went to Orchard Park to have a little going away party for one of our pre school friends. The kids had a blast playing together and eating lunch together. We had a really nice time at the park until Nicole got Justin’s head with sand thing. It was an accident. It was hard to get Nicole to leave the park. We came home and changed, packed up some toys and headed to grandma/pa’s house. We were hoping to see Tierney but she is sick. On the way to grandma/pas we stopped to get the brakes in my car looked at. I did need new brakes and since they could do it today I left my car. Grandma/pa came to pick us up and we hung out at Costco for a bit. The kids basically had snack there. About 45 minutes later and $510.00 I had new brakes. Nicole came with me in the car and we headed to grandma/pas. Justin went with grandma/pa. Nicole and I had fun in the car together; she loves time alone with me as much as I do.  The kids had so much fun playing at grandma/pa’s. They made a tunnel between the ottoman and couch with a blanket and loved hiding underneath it. Justin would stand up under the blanket. They played with cars, stuffed animals, and brought their rolling suitcases full of their toys. Both kids had lots to tell grandma/pa. Nicole brought her baby lion and put the leash from her skatebaord around his neck. She even wanted the lion tied to her bed tonight with the leash. She said the other night he tried to go down the hall.  We had dinner at grandma/pa’s and then some ice cream. Justin said he was too cold for ice-cream, silly guy. But after showing grandma that he messed up her bed he sat down and wanted ice-cream. We left around 7:30 and the kids were pretty tired. They kept on asking me why it was drizzling. WE read one quick story and the kids went right to bed. Bret has been working on re-building his upstairs computer. It is nice to be home.

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