May 30th, 2009 by melissa

I got up and ran with a friend. It was hard to get up with the weather being so gloomy. Isn’t it so funny how  few days without sunshine and we all go nuts. We just played at home for a bit this morning. The kiddos stayed in their jammies for a while. The kiddos have been really want to play with us all day. Dad played Bingo with the kids. We put a leash on Nicole’s kangaroo backpack and she just loved it. But she wanted the clips like the monkey harness. Justin was holding the leash and Nicole was running. It was funny. I went outside and finished the hedging. Dad had to run to the computer store for a few more computer parts. The kids helped me with the hedging and the gardening. They got their brooms and started sweeping. They loved using the dust pan and little broom. They helped in the garden for a bit. Dad wanted more time with the computer so I took the kiddos to Lakeshore for craft and story time. The kids loved it-it was really cute. The kids made bookmarks and puppets. Of course a ton of glue was used. They sat so well for the storytime too. We had a great time shopping and looking around. After we stopped at the grocery store. The kids helped me so much at the store. We came home and the kids played with some new toys I got them. Nicole loves her magnetic dress up dolls. Justin got some cards and you match shapes and put them on. He liked it but didn’t keep him as amused as the dolls did for Nicole. The kids have been wanting all our attention all day. It makes it so hard to get anything done around here when they are like that. We tried going out in the backyard for a change of scenery. That worked for a little while, but ended up in the front yard. Justin drove his car and Nicole had a snack and sat with dad and I. They had fun with the rocket too but kept fighting over it as well. Grammy, Aunt Buffi, and Uncle Mark came over. The kids were so happy to talk and show new people everything. Dad and I had a night out while they babysat. I am so glad the kids got some time with them as well. And the bonus was we got a night out. We went to Claim Jumper and had a nice dinner then headed to the Spectrum. We just walked around and enjoyed being together. It sounded like everyone had fun while we were gone and I am sure the kids loved it. I can’t wait until they wake up in the morning and they tell me all about it. Time for bed.

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