June 30th, 2009 by melissa

We had a busy day today, I am pooped. This morning we tried to go to a free movie, Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything, Veggie Tales. After about a half hour the kids decided they didn’t like it, so we left the theater. They liked the theater though, we will try when a better movie comes out. So we headed to Costco. The kids stayed in the cart which made it really easy to shop and shop fast. We brought the groceries home and headed to Rainbow Kids to get the kid’s hair cut. Justin just sat there and didn’t want any toys. Nicole was happily going through the basket of toys while getting her hair cut. Justin is as handsome as can be and Nicole is beautiful. Nicole wants her hair long so we really only cut her bangs. We ate lunch by the little sand area which was really nice just hanging out with the kids. They we were off again; we met a friend down at the Ladera Water Park. That park is awesome; the kids had a blast. Nicole and Sofi enjoyed playing with each other. The kids poured water all over me, smiling the entire time. We then headed off to grandma/pa’s. I got Nicole ready for her ice skating lesson. Justin stayed with grandma/pa. I missed my little guy but he had fun. I need to spend some alone time with him-I will have to think of something special. Nicole was so excited about her ice skating lesson. I just kept thinking that my little girl is growing up and that I was never sure we would get this in our lives. But I have two healthy kids that I just adore. She was so cute in her little skates, brought back lots of memories about me being on the ice. The first half of the lesson was off the ice, bending knees, how to fall and get up, march, etc. Nicole was attentively listening. They got on the ice and Nicole was trying to do a lot on her own but would reach out when she needed it. She fell a few times but got right up. At the end she told me she loved it! She wanted to call daddy and tell him. She enjoyed watching the older girls skate after her lesson. We headed back to grandma/pa’s and we all had dinner together. The kids ate a lot and Nicole was so excited to tell everyone about ice skating. I screwed up with the video camera so didn’t get as much video as I had hoped but there will be many more lessons. The kids played, mostly loved the tunnel that was made using the ottoman and the couch. They had a great time today and conked out when we got home.

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