July 23rd, 2009 by melissa

We are taking it easy this morning. The kids and I have been playing. We were pretending to paint the mural together. The kids have been playing nicely upstairs for a bit, playing in dad’s office-all the cd’s, ugh, then reading books in their room. I got caught up on some stuff today and worked a little on the mural. We ran to Wal-Mart for a few things. I finally found Justin a new pair of “Cars” tennis shoes. The kids love helping pick things out at the store. We had lunch then we were babysittting Tierney. She is so cute. She was a bit grumpy and luckily I finally got her to take a nap. I rocked her a lot (Nicole wanted to help) but then everytime I put her down when she fell asleep she woke up. Finally the third time worked. My kids watched some TV while T napped. Nicole and I kept going upstairs to check on her. Nicole wanted to stay in the room with T the entire time, so sweet. After TV I went to give my kiddos a bath. Justin wanted a shower so he could use the sprayer and Nicole wanted to take a bath with T. T woke up just as Justin was finishing. I put Nicole and T in the bath together. Nicole was a little more excited than T. I washed T and her hair but then she pooped in the bath. I thought I was so lucky that no one had pooped in the tub but T made up for it. So I grabbed Nicole and T out. Luckily T was finished in the bath so Nicole finished in the other tub. Tierney was all happy playing with toys while I finished with Nicole. Nicole helped me pick out an outfit for T. T was happy to see her daddy and played a bit and ate. She loved her string cheese, glad we found something she liked. She is teething a lot, poor little thing. We had a great time having T here. After she left the kids played out front and used chalk on the driveway. We had dinner then headed over to Blue Gum Park. The kids took their new shovels and played in the sand for a bit. They went on the swings then we played on the slides with the kids. I love when Nicole is so happy I am playing with her. She was singing I love mommy because she is so sweet and she plays with me. Justin was bumping into me at the bottom of the slide, it was a fun night. The kids read lots of books and were really tired tonight.

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