Blog for 7/30

July 31st, 2009 by melissa

This morning I needed to run to the pre school again to meet some new parents there. The kids had the best time playing. I had to race them to get them to come inside to the school, then I had to race them to mommy car to get them out. Thank goodness this trick still works. The kids played so well at pre school. Dad stayed home to upgrade his server. He had a hard time concentrating with the kids around. So the kiddos and I hung out in the backyard. They entertained themselves by using golf clubs to hit a beach ball. I took this opportunity to get some gardening done. They did some T-ball as well. They were starting to get bored so we all washed the windows together. I know child slave labor. I let them do two windows and they loved it. They loved using the squeegees. It was actually kind of fun. Then we washed their play house as well. After lunch I gave the kiddos a bath with the prayer. It was a quick bath because we needed to go to My Gym. I signed them up for one day of camp and the kids had the best time. I took the opportunity to go to the gym for me while they were there. I also managed to get to the grocery store and some time at home. When I went to pick the kids up they did not want to go. They played and played. They told me about their snack, the games they played, the parallel bars, etc. They also did a craft. They made door holders that say Justin’s room and Nicole’s room-they came out really cute. I will probably do the “camp” another time since they had so much fun. We came home and then kids ran up to put their signs on their doors and I made dinner. It was an awful dinner. Luckily we had corn and pudding for dessert so that saved us. The kids seemed like they needed a rest so we let them watch Barney. I wanted some computer time now that e-mail is back up. After we went outside for a short bit. Justin drove his car while Nicole roller skated. We also talked to our neighbors for a bit. Nicole wanted to show our neighbors her new door hanger she made plus she showed them her bed and all the animals she sleeps with. Justin has been sleeping with the black dog, a bunny, and teddy. Nicole sleeps with pooh, sparkle bear, fluffy, puppy, dalmation dog, a Minnie Mouse, a Daisy Duck, Lion, baby Lion, and Charlie Brown. And there is still room for Nicole. Justin was really tired tonight but I still hear them chatting away.

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