Zoo Day

April 26th, 2008 by melissa

The Santa Ana Zoo had a member appreciation day. We decided to brave it and go, even though the weather said it would be 95. It is pretty shaded at the zoo. We had a great time. The kids saw the baby monkey, so cute. They liked watching the monkeys. The kept on commenting on the monkeys telling us they were climbing, eating, walking, etc. The kids liked the lemurs too. They watched the elephant go around and around giving elephant rides. Of course as the elephant got closer to the kids the kids backed up and who can blame them. When we asked Justin if he wanted an elephant ride he told us “next time”. We went to the farm area and since it was pretty warm, we let the kiddos play in the hand washing area. They sure love washing their hands, silly munch kins. Since the train ride was so long, we decided to see more animals, pigs, geese, turkeys, chickens, etc. We thought maybe eat lunch then try the train again. The line was still too long, so we just came home. Luckily the kids weren’t too disappointed not getting a train ride. The kids took a great nap. Bret had to do some work and I worked on my scrap books for a little while. After nap we decided to bring out the water table, the pool, the hose…water everywhere. Justin was in charge of the hose and he was proud of that title. The kids had a blast. It was so fun watching them giggle and play with each other (except for the occasional splash). We could barely pull them away from the water but decided to get some food to go and have a picnic. We went to where you can watch the trains and the kids were so excited when a train came. They chased birds, we ate dinner, then walked on the bridge. After we stopped at Dairy Queen for some ice-cream. One suggestion don’t ever try to share an ice-cream cone with the kids, they ate it all! We had a great day! Hopefully the kids will go to sleep soon, I hear them both still wide awake.


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