Catch Up day

April 28th, 2008 by melissa

Well since we have been having so much fun, I needed today to run some errands. We ran to Kohl’s this morning to get the kiddos summer jammies. Justin picked out doggy ones and Nicole picked out frog ones. They definitely have their opinion on what they want to wear (Nicole especially). Nicole doesn’t like to wear the same thing twice, she wants all new things. If we win the lottery then she is in luck. Then we ran to Target for a couple things. We came home and played for a while then read a ton of books then nap time. At nap I went up a zillion times as they wanted their feet to hide under the blankets. No matter what time I put them down even if it is a little earlier than usual they still fall asleep at the same time. After nap we ran out to get more scrap book stuff. I am deep in my scrapbooks again…it takes me forever though. Since it was so hot we just played in the backyard in the pool. The kiddos had a great time playing. They used their fishing set in the pool and then we threw in a bunch of balls. We also went into the jacuzzi a little bit. I think by the time we decided to do te jacuzzi then kids were done with water. But they liked climbing up and down the stairs and putting their feet in. Of course the kids had to get naked while playing in the water. They were so excited we were eating dinner outside (still naked)-we sat at the big table and the kiddos were happy as can be at their picnic table. After dinner we put on their new jammies and went for a walk on the path. We were hoping to find bunnies but we didn’t find any. But we found our friendly neighborhood cat, Tigger on the way home. They were excited to see Tigger. We came home and read books and got ready for bed. I think I read the Zoe ballerina book a zillion times to Nikki tonight. So I brought her the Zoe puppet to sleep with. The kiddos have been fighting going to sleep lately-ugh.

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