August 23rd, 2009 by melissa

Last night dad had to run to LA for work. So around 11:00 a visitor came to visit me in my bed. I thought it was Bret but it was Justin. I enjoyed having him in bed with me since Bret wasn’t there, Justin is a cuddle bug. When Bret got him I brought Justin back in his bed. This morning we played. Nicole and I hung out at home while dad and Justin went to Starbucks. We built a track on the street carpet and did trains for a while. Dad and I took turns playing with the kids so we could read the paper too. Then we headed to Grammy’s. She had people visiting from northern CA, Larry and Debra. They were very nice and Nicole really liked Debra. Nicole even asked me at one point where is the girl that I love. Justin played upstairs with Grammy’s toys and had a great time. He did really well entertaining himself. Nicole was so happy as Debra was giving her a 100% of her attention. Dad worked on helping Grammy with things around the house. The kids had so much fun at Grammy’s today. When we got home the kiddos watched Sid the Science Kid for the first time. They were just in awe. Then we headed over to the neighbor’s house for a little party. Everyone was swimming so we ran home and got the kiddos bathing suits. They went in the jacuzzi, it wasn’t too warm. There was a little girl there named Samantha that Nicole and Justin played with.  When we mentioned eating dinner, Nicole wanted to wait for Samantha, really sweet. It is nice to be finally getting to know the neighbors a bit. It is too bad it took a biking accident (the father) to get to know them. Luckily he is fully recovered and doing well. Their family is really sweet and was a nice get together. I didn’t think we would be there for very long but it turned out to be getting later and later…we didn’t get home until 7:30. The kids were so tired though. By 7:45 they were in their beds and I told them a Sally and Billy story. After the story they were asleep.

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