September 21st, 2009 by melissa

Pre school day and I worked. I had so much fun with the kiddos. I was the red mom so got all the toys out of the cabinet, bubbles, bean bags, parachutes, etc. I was also in charge of kids practicing writing their names. Nicole shared her pink teddy bear named Beary and Justin brought his Geo Trax train. Nicole has been talking so softly when she shares and Justin is nice and loud. The kids rode bikes and played in the sand. We came home for lunch. Apparently the kids were starving but barely ate. They had a big snack at school. I have been doing laundry all day. The kids have been playing nicely. They have their Diego and Dora packs pretending to be Dora and Diego all the while Nicole has on her tap shoes. They are in the process of following the animal foot prints. The kids watched some TV, Super Why and Curious George. Then of course the kids had to act like George. They liked getting a banana for snack. Well we tried to play in mud. Over by the veggies I let them get the area all muddy with the hose Unfortunately this attracted lots of bees. The kids loved putting their feet in the mud then putting them in a bucket to wash off. It was fun to watch. We came inside and the kiddos played. I worked on my scrapbook here and there. The kids played while I prepped dinner. Trying to get an early dinner on the table so we can go to the park tonight when it is a bit cooler out. Nicole had the little people helping me get dinner together. And she convinced Justin to play with her. We went outside to do mud again. What a mess but the kids had so much fun. We have mud on our block wall fence now, the kids were making trains on it. Luckily a hose should take care of the mess. After dinner we went to Blue Gum. The kids rode their bikes there. We had a great time at the park. Dad and Justin threw the ball over the volleyball net while I swung Nicole then went on the slides and play structure. Justin and dad came over and we raced down the slides then the kiddos played by themselves for a bit. Making cakes in the little playhouse, adding water and getting all sandy. When we got home Justin wanted to build train tracks in his room. With a basket in hand he got a bunch of tracks. He was so happy to have it in his room. We read some books but then the kiddos wanted to play. Justin and I played trains and dad and Nicole played baby. Tonight a lot of our shows are back on so off to watch TV.

some mud pics:


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