Relaxing Day

May 15th, 2008 by melissa

We went to our last Paint, Pour, and Paste class this morning. The kids immediately went over to the play doh. They rolled it, stamped it, cut it, etc. Then we made caterpillars (kids call them snakes). The kids went a little crazy with the tape. Then we made caterpillars with glue. Glue everywhere. We then did some painting. Paint everywhere-on the paper, their hand, their clothes, etc. It was a messy class. After we played in bird seed. Nicole had to get into the bucket and step and sit in it. Silly girl. Justin was happy just touching and pouring it. After the kids ran around like crazy on the little dance floor and loved looking at themselves in the mirror. Nicole was fixing her hair in the mirror and didn’t seem to care she had paint on her face. On our way out we talked to the mail man and looked at his truck. Then we had to go over and see the yellow tractor. The kids got to touch the big tires. When they got home and told daddy about the tractor daddy said was it a Caterpillar and Justin says it was yellow. We stopped at Costco on our way home. The kiddos love the samples, oh in their words “snacks”. We came home and had lunch. The kiddos were playing so well with each other. They were rolling the ball back and forth. They were also chasing each other and luckily they were laughing about it. We read books and now we are just waiting to see if they nap. They are chatting away in their cribs. Justin said we can ask though and Nicole says mommy will say no. They have books in their cribs and they are both screaming “I turn the pages”. I think I hear books being thrown out of their cribs. Nicole is singing happy birthday to Justin and no more monkeys on the bed. Justin says I throw books and Nicole says don’t throw books. HA Well they didn’t nap and when I asked them what they were saying mommy would say no too, Nicole told me it was that there feet have to touch the ground in the crib. That is our rule, so they get climbing out of their cribs out of their minds. We watched Elmo’s World. And since it was such a nice day out we got out the water. Justin filled up the pool with the hose, naked they got and they played in their pool. They played bubbles. Justin helped daddy water the grass out front. Now that the neighbor’s grass is greener than ours, we must green ours up too! We just had a great time playing in the back yard. Daddy got out of training a little early and was able to play too. Before dinner we ran up to Wal-Mart. Nicole played on a jeep there and Justin rode a tricycle. So cute. Nicole and Justin picked out Dora and Diego hats, so hopefully they will wear them at the park now. We went to Soup Plantation for dinner. The kids just love it there and the food comes right away which helps. They ate so much, beets, olives, kidney beans, carrots, corn, etc. We came home and played with the cars outside for a bit. Justin drove it in the faster mode. You can set it to go 2.5 miles or 5 miles per hour and he was just grinning from ear to ear in the faster mode. Nicole had to give her baby a ride and had to take a picture of baby in the car. Then we went upstairs and got ready for bed. Grandma/pa dropped in as they needed to drop stuff off for the garage sale. The kids were so excited but luckily we calmed them down and got them to bed. They went to sleep so fast.

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