October 21st, 2009 by melissa

We got ready for our friends to come over this morning. My kids were more into playing with each other rather than their friends. Their friends were all younger and I think my kids like the older kids. Anyway I got some mommy time with my friends. I even ran out to the toy store to look for something for Justin for the holidays. The kids did great without me; they just had their lunch. I guess I can be temporarily replaced with mac and cheese. The house didn’t get too messy but haven’t checked upstairs yet. The kids and I relaxed and watched some TV. After TV the kids were busy playing with the cars and My Little Pony. The fighting began too. Justin had a huge fit; he was so angry he didn’t know how to deal with Nikki taking his car. We cleaned up a bit then headed to Blue Gum. We met some friends there too. The kids played so well. N&J were so excited to play in the sand. They made sand cakes in the play house. I played with them for a bit then just relaxed. I brought my camera with the new lens and had fun taking some pics.

just and nik 102109nik and just2 102109

My kids must be so sick of getting their picture taken. Unfortunately I need to take a ton to get one or two good ones. On our way out we needed to give our friend a b-day present. J&N were so excited to give it to their friend. They both handed it to Chase then carried it to the car for him-it was so cute.

carrying present

We came home and the kids went happy nuts. They both came in and said they were freaking out. Freaking out consists of laughing and running, it was so funny. They ended up outside playing with water and were soaked. They both laid on the picnic tables that were soaking wet. They took the hose to their clothes and windows, etc. They were wild, crazy, and wet. After dinner the kids were pretty mellow and dad read a lot of the library books. Dad read a lot more books upstairs while I got ready for our RV trip. I packed up the kids clothes. We have a lot more to do tomorrow to get ready and have a busy day-ugh. I need to find some time to have Nicole time, she has been begging to have some time with me.

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