So Much Fun With the Kiddos 05/20/08

May 21st, 2008 by melissa

We met Vena, Candice, and Stacie for swimming this morning. Of course the weather wasn’t as nice as it has been. The kiddos had a great time. They loved the baby pool and all the toys Candice brought. It was so cute watching all the kids. Justin and Nicole even wandered over to the big pool and stayed on the stairs. Justin and Nicole loved walking in the pool and getting in and out themselves. They were busy splashing and reaching down for all the toys. Whoever knew the shower at the end would be the best part. I think it is time to give J & N a shower, they just loved it! All the kids had a pizza snack afterwards and we went over to the park after. The kids had so much fun, climbing and sliding. There was this huge slide and Justin went down. I went to catch him and my mouth hit his head, luckily it hurt me way more than him. We came home and ate lunch. Then it was off to pre school. This was the last pre school class until August. The kids had a blast! They painted, and played in corn starch and water (with food coloring). There was shaving cream, but I think my kiddos just liked it as they got to wash their hands after. Messy stuff to do everywhere. The kids did their hand prints in paint and drew with markers. All the kids helped make pudding too. Justin and Nicole poured the mix in, helped pour the milk, and mixed. Then they got to eat it! Then it was time for story time and songs. The kids did well sitting by themselves for snack but then Nikki came looking for me, so sweet. She wanted mommy to eat with her. Nicole finally sat on the potties there but didn’t go. Sitting on it was a big step though. So you would think after all this activity the kids would nap, but not mine. So they are watching Barney right now. We pulled out all the toys and played inside for a while. Then we headed out to the front yard. Within a half hour they rode tricycles, pushed baby stroller, and took a quick stroller ride in the Bob stroller. They had fun riding their trikes over the water and pushing their strollers over the water. When dad got home from work, we headed to the MV mall. A toy store in the mall had Thomas the train night. First we ate in the food court then of course played on the lights. The toy store wasn’t all that exciting. Just a bunch of track laid out on the floor. I thought Justin would be all over it but him and Nicole were just as happy playing with the train table. They rode on a couple of cars and a motorcycle thing. We then headed to Pottery Barn Kids. Nicole fell in love with a dolly there. The kids pushed strollers and played with the kitchen. Then of course it was time to go to the play area. They were wild. I was afraid they were going to get hurt-they were that wild. They were running, jumping, etc. Nicole wanted to do a summer sault down the slide. It was fun to watch them. We headed home. Of course with no nap we didn’t get them to bed any earlier and I am exhausted.

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