November 25th, 2009 by melissa

I am so tired so this will be quick. I stayed up to about 1:00AM last night editing pics. Today was Stone Soup Day at pre school. I was working and had a great time playing in the sand with the kiddos. Even buried some treasure that the kids found. Nicole shared her dog, Rusty and Justin shared his Hot Wheels motorcycle toy. Ms. Donna read the book Stone Soup and the kids helped to make it. Dad came in to visit and have soup with the kiddos. It was a fun Thanksgiving celebration at school today. We were only home for a bit and decided to go swimming. Yes swimming in November. It was a little cold when the wind blew but the kids were so happy to go swimming. Nicole was in the water for the longest time, Justin got cold and got out. Of course the shower was just as much fun as the pool. We stopped at Macy’s then to grandma/pa’s while we were in their neck of the woods. We had dinner with them; grandpa made french toast. My mom and dad asked the kids if they wanted to stay the night. So I moved car seats, ran to Wal-Mart to get new jammies and night diapers, and they spent the night. I miss them so much but know they are having fun. Dad and I went out to the Spectrum for drinks and a snack. We walked around and had fun together but both of us are exhausted. Off to bed now and hope we can sleep in. I am sure N&J are having fun but it is weird without them here.

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