November 28th, 2009 by melissa

This morning we just took it easy for a bit. Then we headed to the Spectrum. Nicole wanted mommy time so she went with me to get some things done while daddy took Justin to other places at the Spectrum. Nicole was so patient and great while I looked for some clothes for me. So exciting as I got two pairs of jeans. Nicole was in the fitting room trying on my jeans over her clothes-it was so funny. Dad and Justin looked at a train at the toy store then headed over to the Mac store to play games. We met up with them at the Mac store. I ran to Target and Carters with Nicole while dad and Justin went to Dave and Busters. They had a great time. We had enough tickets that Nicole got a care bear and Justin got a car and some candy. He was so nice to get the big piece of candy so he could share it with Nicole. We had a quick lunch then Justin wanted to ride an ostrich on the carousal. Nicole just wanted to hang out with me so we watched and waved. We came home for a bit. Justin and dad watched some cars on the computer while Nicole and I played doll house for a bit. We played at home and cleaned up a bit. It started to rain a bit so Justin and I went for a walk with umbrellas in the rain. It was so fun. He loved it. Dad built a log cabin out of Lincoln Logs and did puzzles with Nicole. We made some hot chocolate and headed to the Irvine Regional Park for the Santa train. We got there a little early so the kiddos could play on the play structure. We also played in the leaves, threw them in the air and at each other. It was so fun, reminded me of fall in MA. Plus the weather was cool. We met Alan, Roberta, and T at the train. It was really pretty all decorated. Can’t believe it is the holiday season already. We got off the train at the north pole station where Santa was. T had no problem sitting on Santa’s lap. Nicole and Justin however really didn’t want to. The kids did talk to Santa. Justin told him he wanted a race car set and Nicole said she wanted a doll house for Christmas. They did this as they saw a candy cane was in it for them. The kids did some activities, decorate cookies, jump in the bounce house, listen to Mrs. Claus tell a story, etc. It was a really fun night. We grabbed some dinner and came home. The kids were so playful upstairs but they did go to bed a little late.

Here are some pics:

hot chocolatechristmas train2christmas train3

xmas train1

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