December 14th, 2009 by melissa

Since daddy is going out of town he came with me to drop the kiddos off at pre school. They love it when daddy comes and love to show him things at school. Dad and I came home and spent some time together. Then he packed and I did some errands. I am officially done with Christmas shopping now, yeah. The stores are just nuts. I picked up the kiddos and they played outside of pre school with some friends. I dragged them to Costco to do a return plus get some other stuff. Luckily this time of year Costco has a million snacks so the kids were loving it. When we got home the kids played a bit and then watched some TV. They are loving watching the Curious George Christmas special thing. Since the rain I feel like we haven’t had a chance to go to the park, so we met Matthew and Ellie there too. We went to “pirate park”-the kids played so well. They pretended their usual…find treasure, pirates, etc. On the walk home the kids played stage on some lumpy grass. It was so funny the kids kept performing for us. They also looked at some Christmas decorations then played soccer with some sand buckets on our driveway, ruined some buckets but they were having fun. When we got home I made the kiddos soup for dinner-both requested it. I let them have a candy cane for playing so well then it was shower time. The kiddos took quick showers then wanted to play with money. We haven’t done that in a while. They pretended to feed the animals and money everywhere. They did a great job cleaning it up though, I was impressed. We colored then talked to daddy a bit. The kids wanted to read books to themselves then it was off to bed. I addressed a few X-mas cards and then relaxed in front of the TV.

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