December 21st, 2009 by melissa

I keep wondering when life is going to calm down. We have been crazy lately. This morning we went over to a friend’s house for a holiday play date. It was really fun. The kids played so well with all the different toys. They had lunch with their friends and got to decorate cookies. There was also a gift exchange. The moms broke out the mimosas, totally made the play date so much better. We had to stop at Grammy’s to drop off the tracks for Henry. There was traffic but I know Henry will enjoy them. The kids got crazy hyper at Grammy’s. Her gardener was there trimming the big tree and the kids were all curious and watching. Nicole at the party this morning saw a mom wearing a Santa hat and really wanted one. So we stopped at Target to try and look for one. No such luck but Grammy had one and I dig mine out. Of course digging mine out made me realize how much junk we have. That closet it such a nightmare to get things out of. I always think no big deal as it is only once a year-I will have to clean it out when I put all the decorations away. I did a ton of laundry today and still have a load or two to do. The kids took a quick shower, really quick. They were wanting to play. They were crazy playing, but fun crazy. I did more laundry and cleaned out my car a bit. The kids took a huge pad of paper and were drawing together-it was so cute. I should have taken a picture as I haven’t taken many pics lately. We had dinner then headed over to some friends house. Nicole and Penny played together-they were so happy to see each other. Justin was having a great time too. We saw their cool Christmas decorations and visited with friends. It was nice to get out. I cleaned up like crazy tonight to get ready for the cleaners. The kids went right to bed.

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