December 31st, 2009 by melissa

Last night was rough in the house. Nicole woke up 3 times for no reason. Although all 3 times she wasn’t covered so I covered her up. Justin came in around 5:00 and was so movey. I finally went back to his room with him and he fell back to sleep. My back was killing me this morning from sleeping on Nicole’s floor and Justin’s bed. Luckily with some ibuprofen and coffee I was much better. We went to the park with some friends this morning. We brought our rocket balloon things and the kids had a great time. I think most of the balloons popped but it was great fun. The kids played really well, digging in the sand making a garden with sand flowers, etc. It was such a nice morning and nice to get out. We came home for a bit to have lunch. Dad came home for a bit to sell a server but then needed to go back to work for a bit. Zoe went home too. It was so nice to have her here, she is a terrific dog. But it will be nice not to have to walk her tonight. The kids and I ran to the grocery store to get some stuff for our dinner tonight. I thought we would have a dipping/fondue dinner. The kids watched the Alvin DVD. I can’t believe how much they love the chipmunks. Dad came home a bit early which was nice. We worked in the garage for a bit. Also we sold our bike trailer. A little sad to see it go but I am tired of a crammed garage. The kids prefer riding their bikes any way. Well the kids were supposed to take a bath after watching TV but somehow we ended up having a squeeky dog toy fight. It was so funny, we had so much fun. Then we ended up outside. The kids rode their bikes for a bit then drove their cars. We found our tennis racquets and the kids thought it was so cool. So I gave them a big bouncy ball and off they went. Finally we got them in the bath and then made dinner. I made cheese fondue then chicken with all sorts of dipping sauces (sweet n sour, plum, bbq, and ranch, then chocolate fondue with marshmallows, pound cake, cheesecake bites, strawberries, and bananas. It was a fun dinner. We opened the lion the kid’s got from our friend Tom. They loved it. They were busy playing on it and fighting over whose room it would sleep in.


It is sleeping in Justin’s room tonight and Nicole is not too happy about it. I put a leash on big floppy dog and dragged him into her room. At least they thought it was funny. Justin tried to put the leash around the lion, so funny. Dad played with Justin tonight and made a race track and drive thru. I played doll house with Nicole. Nicole said I am so glad you are letting me borrow your dollhouse-I love it. Nicole doesn’t want to go to bed tonight. It is 8:45 and she is still awake. So goodbye to 2009 and hope that 2010 brings lots of good health and happiness to all our friends/family.

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