January 29th, 2010 by melissa

The inevitable has happened…I didn’t write my blog yesterday. Bret is taking today off. We talked about going to Disney or the snow but it didn’t happen. There is a snow day at the great park that we are planning on going to tomorrow and I just recently went to Disney, so those things were out. We both dropped the kids off at school this morning. Kinda cool dad gets to come every now and then. Dad and I enjoyed spending time together this morning. We tried to go to the store to find some food. We went to Trader Joes but decided Whole Foods is better for us as they have more organic things. Dad took a little nap and I worked on my scrapbook a bit. I went to pick up the kids and then we played outside for a while. So cute watching all the kids play together and run around. We came home and the kids watched Alvin and the Chipmunks. I don’t think the kids ate lunch until about 2:00. We decided to go to monkey bar park (Lower Peter’s Canyon). The kids were so excited. After months of Nicole trying so hard to get across the monkey bars, she finally did it. It was a proud moment for all of us. Justin is getting there too; he got about half way across. We had a great time at the park. We all played with the soccer ball together, trying to get goals, running around, chasing it down hills, etc. After the park we ran an errand and went to dinner. The kids were begging us to go to Burger King, so we went with it. It was so gross but the kids had a great time in the play area. They had the play area to themselves. We played downstairs a bit when we got home. Dad got a new toy today. A remote control fork lift toy-the kids are having as much fun with it as dad it.

Upstairs dad and Justin played Chutes and Ladders while Nicole and I played doll house. Of course doll house was based on Alvin and the Chipmunks. We read a few books and the kiddos are sleeping.

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