February 27th, 2010 by melissa

We were good to the kids this morning. Mommy guilt for being out last night. We gave the kids the Chipmunks Wii game this morning. It wasn’t all that exciting but the kids liked it. I also made them their favorite Mickey Mouse pancakes. My special breakfast! We decided to go to Mission Viejo mall this morning. It was gloomy and raining. Plus we had to go to Ladera for a birthday party. We had fun at the mall. The kiddos went on this little roller coaster ride thing at the mall and loved it. They also played in the play area a bit. I ran into a few stores and looked for clothes for me. I am hating all my clothes and can’t find any new ones. We went to Sofi’s and Mylee’s birthday party. The kids had fun but it was a little girly for Justin. Ariel was there. At first the kids didn’t know what to make of Ariel but then got into it. Ariel sang songs and played games. Nicole didn’t go for the make up or dress up. She was sad she didn’t have a princess dress. Luckily someone there had an extra. Justin and Nicole played with their toys and had cake. We came home and lit the fireplace. The kids watched Alvin and the Chipmunks. Dad tried to take a nap and I went to clean out the garage. Justin in the middle of the movie decided he didn’t want to watch anymore. He woke up dad and we all went in the garage. We pulled the cars out and had fun in the dry garage. At first Justin played tennis in the garage with dad then it started pouring. Justin and I went and played in the rain. It was silly and fun for me to act like a kid. My feet were soaking wet. Nicole was in the garage roller skating with dad. After playing in the rain I put my roller blades on and went around in the garage. Justin used the roller skates. We got down a trike with a handle and the kids were riding it around. Nicole had me hold onto the handle and pulled me with my roller blades. We just had a great time in the garage since we couldn’t play outside. Dad made dinner while I gave the kiddos a bath. After dinner we headed upstairs. We were hoping to get some things done in the kids rooms, hanging letters, etc. However the kids were being difficult and wouldn’t let us do much. We played Memory and read a lot of books. Nicole was wanting to wear her Dora nightgown to sleep but it is too cold for it. Of course she had a hard time with the fact she couldn’t wear it. We had great cuddle time with the kiddos though. It was nice and made up for the crazy night. Justin anytime I am angry or anything just comes up and gives me a huge hug. How can one stay mad when you get a Justin hug. Time to go relax and watch a movie.

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