March 28th, 2010 by melissa

Such a beautiful day out today. We decided to head to “pirate” park this morning. The kids had a great time playing. It was pretty relaxing for dad and I too. I love listening to the kids play together and talk to one another. We played hide n seek too. When we got home we ate lunch in our backyard. It was so nice. We also discovered not only are there black widows but brown widows too. I am a bit freaked out. After lunch the kids played in a sprinkler. Hard to believe in March that they are able to play in the sprinkler. They had a blast. The grass got to wet in the backyard that we had to move the sprinkler up front. I did a lot of gardening as well. I just hedged recently and will need to do it again soon, spring has sprung. The kids and I went to a birthday party for someone in their pre school class. It was really fun. Dad stayed home and worked on projects. He is in the midst of re-staining/replacing wood on the jacuzzi steps. The party was at the park. The kids swung, played on the play structure, bubbles, played with friends, and an egg hunt. It is so weird that the kids are so independent and don’t need me anymore at parties. I was able to talk to some moms. We ended up staying much later than expected as the kids were having so much fun. When we got home we played and tried to clean up a bit. The kids played Wii for a bit. We went out to dinner and the kids got to run around a bit on the grass. We played duck duck goose. Zoe the dog was on the greenbelt, so we talked to Andree and played for a bit. I didn’t think it was possible but the kids went right to bed. Justin has been loving me reading in his bed with a flashlight. Nikki wanted to talk about how Zoe got some tinfoil that must have had some leftovers in it and we had a hard time prying it out of Zoe’s mouth. Nikki also asked me what happens if we got locked in a store, silly girl. She loves figuring out life.

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